Florida Department of Transportation
Florida Statewide and Regional ITS Architectures

Florida ITS Architecture Banner

FIU Integrated ITS Laboratory

Status: On-going

Description: The Florida International University's Integrated Intelligent Transportation Systems (IITS) Laboratory has a real–time communication capability for sharing video and information with traffic management centers. It provides an opportunity for ITS operations research and ITS education of graduate and undergraduate students. The laboratory utilizes information collected from different sources for research and development in support of ITS planning and operations for "normal" conditions and special events including incidents, major emergencies, and evacuations.

Stakeholder: Florida International University

Systems Interconnected
with the FIU Integrated ITS Laboratory

Architecture Flow Diagrams
which include FIU Integrated ITS Laboratory:

Architecture Flows
to/from the FIU Integrated ITS Laboratory:

FDOT District 6 SunGuide Transportation Management Centerflows into iconFIU Integrated ITS Laboratory

National ITS Architecture Subsystems
mapped to the FIU Integrated ITS Laboratory:

National ITS Architecture Services
associated with FIU Integrated ITS Laboratory:

Last Updated 2/6/2025