Palmetto Express Lanes
Project Description: The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) District Six (Miami–Dade County) and FDOT District Four (Broward County) worked together to implement express lanes along 28 miles of the SR 826/Palmetto Expressway and I–75 corridors from just south of SR 836/Dolphin Expressway in Miami–Dade County to I–595 in Broward County. FDOT is currently evaluating non–Express Lanes alternatives for the SR 826 South segment as well as preparing to implement Express Lane modifications on SR 826 from Flagler Street to NW 154 Street segment.
In a collaborative effort, both districts will jointly manage the procurement, design, and construction of the following additional segments:
– US 1 to West Flagler
– NW 154th Street to Golden Glades Interchange (GGI)
FDOT District 6 is implementing the I–75/Palmetto Express Lanes Project (Palmetto Express) in Miami–Dade County which extends approximately 10 miles along the Palmetto Expressway from West Flagler Street to NW 154 Street, and approximately three (3) miles along I–75 from the Palmetto Expressway to NW 170 Street. For additional information on the I–75/Palmetto Express project in Miami–Dade County, please contact
FDOT District 4 was responsible for the five (5) project segments from I–595 south to NW 170 Street (15 miles).
Project Status: Planned
Project Stakeholders:
Interconnect and Flow

Project Service Packages:
Project Information Flows:
Project Functional Requirements (Element - Functional Object):
FDOT District 6 SunGuide Field Equipment - Roadway Basic Surveillance
1: The field element shall collect, process, digitize, and send traffic sensor data (speed, volume, and occupancy) to the center for further analysis and storage, under center control.
FDOT District 6 SunGuide Field Equipment - Roadway Traffic Information Dissemination
1: The field element shall include dynamic message signs for dissemination of traffic and other information to drivers, under center control; the DMS may be either those that display variable text messages, or those that have fixed format display(s) (e.g. vehicle restrictions, or lane open/close).
3: The field element shall provide operational status for the driver information systems equipment (DMS, HAR, etc.) to the center.
4: The field element shall provide fault data for the driver information systems equipment (DMS, HAR, etc.) to the center for repair.
FDOT District 6 SunGuide Transportation Management Center - TMC Basic Surveillance
1: The center shall monitor, analyze, and store traffic sensor data (speed, volume, occupancy) collected from field elements under remote control of the center.
FDOT District 6 SunGuide Transportation Management Center - TMC Demand Management Coordination
3: The center shall collect and store transit fare and schedule information from transit management centers.
FDOT District 6 SunGuide Transportation Management Center - TMC HOV Lane Management
3: The center shall remotely control freeway control devices, such as ramp signals and mainline metering and other systems associated with freeway operations that control use of HOV lanes.
FDOT District 6 SunGuide Transportation Management Center - TMC In-Vehicle Signing Management
2: The center shall format and output advisory information, such as detour information, wide-area alerts, work zone intrusion information, and other special information to field equipment that supports in-vehicle signage communications.
FDOT District 6 SunGuide Transportation Management Center - TMC Restricted Lanes CV Application
3: The Center shall notify a Transit Center of the status of a dynamic transit lane.
FDOT District 6 SunGuide Transportation Management Center - TMC Traffic Information Dissemination
1: The center shall remotely control dynamic messages signs for dissemination of traffic and other information to drivers.
SunPass Customer Service Center - PAC Payment Administration
1: The center shall manage toll transactions, including maintaining a log of all transactions and toll pricing structure information.
2: The center shall dynamically price tolls based on current traffic condition information.
3: The center shall provide secure user account management, providing user access to rules and policies, current billing status, invoices, payments, and mechanisms for review and challenge of the collected data.
Project Operational Concepts:
Last Updated 2/6/2025