Miami-Dade SPAT Upgrade Roles and Responsibilities
This area includes all the roles and responsibilities that have been identified for the Miami-Dade SPAT Upgrade project.
Service Packages
- Miami-Dade County Department of Transportation and Public Works
Roles and Responsibilities
- Adjust signal timing patterns in response to incidents.
- Collect traffic and incident information, and provide it to the media and private travelers.
- Collect traffic data from sensors that are part of the traffic signal system.
- Coordinate and share traveler information with all other traveler information providers in the region.
- Coordinate emergency plans with county EOCs, and provide emergency transit services for evacuations, fires, and disasters, including re-entry.
- Coordinate emergency plans, and incident responses and resources with the county EOC/warning points.
- Coordinate evacuation and re-entry plans with the county EOC/warning point.
- Coordinate highway-rail intersection (HRI) signal adjustments.
- Coordinate incident response for incidents on or adjacent to county-owned roadways with public works departments, public safety agencies, and EOCs in surrounding counties and municipalities, including response for scheduled events.
- Coordinate maintenance and construction activities with other county and city maintenance, and the FDOT District 6 construction and maintenance section.
- Coordinate maintenance or construction requests from RTMCs.
- Coordinate maintenance resource response to incidents in the municipality with local public safety agencies.
- Coordinate maintenance resource response to incidents on county-owned roadways with county and local public safety agencies.
- Coordinate maintenance resources for incidents with the FDOT District 6 maintenance and construction operations, and other county and city maintenance and construction operations outside the District.
- Coordinate transit fare payment with other regional agencies.
- Coordinate transit information with the Miami-Dade Traffic Control Center.
- Coordinate transit schedules with other local transit agencies, particularly for transit connections at transit transfer points.
- Coordinate transit security incidents with the Miami-Dade County Sheriff’s Office.
- Coordinate with multimodal transportation agencies, including airports, commuter rail, and heavy rail.
- Coordinate with the Miami-Dade County Traffic Control Center for traffic signal priority.
- Coordinate with the Miami-Dade transit control center.
- Distribute maintenance and construction work plan information, and asset restrictions to regional traffic agencies, regional transit providers, regional emergency services, the media, private rail operations, and multimodal service providers.
- Interconnect with signal systems in adjacent jurisdictions in the future.
- Manage work zones for all county and city maintenance and construction activities, and monitor work zone safety with county and city field equipment and vehicles.
- Operate county and local drawbridge systems in conjunction with traffic signals.
- Operate traffic signal systems on county-owned arterials, as well as some municipal arterials.
- Perform maintenance for regional city and county ITS field equipment.
- Perform network surveillance for incident detection and verification, and send traffic/incident information and traffic images to local and county public safety agencies and EOCs.
- Provide a demand responsive bus transit plan to users/travelers using the MDTA Web site.
- Provide automated maintenance status information to county and city roadway maintenance and construction operations, and county and local equipment repair facilities from maintenance vehicles.
- Provide automated transit maintenance scheduling using automated vehicle condition reports on all MDTA vehicles in the future.
- Provide fixed-route and paratransit bus services; peoplemover services; and rail transit services for Miami-Dade County.
- Provide incident information to other traffic management and public safety agencies.
- Provide incident information to travelers on county-owned roadways using traffic information devices (e.g., DMS and HAR units), local ISPs, and Web sites.
- Provide incident information to travelers on municipal roadways using traffic information devices (e.g., DMS units), local ISPs, and Web sites.
- Provide maintenance and construction information to regional traffic operations and the traveling public using portable DMS equipment.
- Provide maintenance and construction information to the traveling public using roadside equipment (e.g., DMS and HAR devices) and traveler information systems.
- Provide maintenance resources in response to incidents on county-operated arterials.
- Provide maintenance resources in response to incidents on municipal arterials.
- Provide operator instructions and receive schedule performance data from MDTA vehicles while in service.
- Provide signal preemption for emergency vehicles.
- Provide signal priority for transit vehicles.
- Provide traffic and road network information to local transit agencies, including the MDTA.
- Provide traffic information to travelers using Miami-Dade County DMS equipment.
- Provide traffic information to travelers using the county public information system, private companies, Florida 511, and the media.
- Provide transit passenger electronic fare payment on all MDTA vehicles and include smart card fare coordination with other regional transit agencies.
- Provide transit schedule and fare information via the Miami-Dade Transit Customer Information System.
- Receive AVL information from county and city public works vehicles.
- Receive maintenance resource requests for incident response from county fire/EMS/sheriff, local police/fire/EMS, the FHP, 911 emergency call centers, and county EOCs.
- Receive maintenance resource requests for incident response from the regional county and city traffic management systems.
- Receive road weather information from field equipment.
- Track and evaluate schedule performance on all MDTA vehicles.
- Travelers
Roles and Responsibilities
- Install and operate invehicle CAV equipment.
Roles and Responsibilities
Last Updated 2/6/2025