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Florida Statewide and Regional ITS Architectures
District 4/6
District 4/6 Architecture
/ County and City Traffic Engineering
County and City Traffic Engineering
Represents the generic county and local traffic management agencies.
Inventory Elements:
County and Local ATSPM System
County and Local CAV Field Equipment
County and Local Field Equipment
County and Local Traffic Control Systems
County and Local ATSPM System
County and Local SPaT Project
Palm Beach County Traffic Signal Project
Roles and Responsibilities:
County and Local ATSPM Roles and Responsibilities
Install and maintain field equipment to collect ATSPMs.
Use ATSPMs to suport effective traffic signal operations, maintenance, and management.
County and Local SPaT Project Roles and Responsibilities
Install and maintain traffic signal equipment to provide SPaT to connected vehicle equipment.
County and Local SPaT Roles and Responsibilities
Install and maintain traffic signal equipment to provide SPaT to connected vehicle equipment.
Palm Beach County Traffic Signal Project Roles and Responsibilities
Operate traffic signal systems for municipal or locally owned arterials.
Collect traffic data from sensors that are part of the traffic signal system (future).
Collect traffic data from the traffic signal system sensors (future).
Provide signal preemption for emergency vehicles.
Interconnect with City of Port St. Lucie and City of Fort Pierce traffic signal systems.
Operate county and local drawbridge systems in conjunction with traffic signals.
Traffic Signal Control for Southeast Florida Regional ITS Architecture - FDOT Districts 4 and 6
Operate traffic signal systems for municipal or locally owned arterials.
Collect traffic data from sensors that are part of the traffic signal system (future).
Collect traffic data from the traffic signal system sensors (future).
Provide signal preemption for emergency vehicles.
Interconnect with City of Port St. Lucie and City of Fort Pierce traffic signal systems.
Operate county and local drawbridge systems in conjunction with traffic signals.
Last Updated 2/6/2025