Florida Department of Transportation
Florida Statewide and Regional ITS Architectures

Florida ITS Architecture Banner

Basic Vehicle Components

Status: Planned

Description: The components of a vehicle – includes the vehicle platform that interfaces with and hosts ITS electronics and all of the driver convenience and entertainment systems, and other non–ITS electronics on–board the vehicle. Interfaces represent both internal on–board interfaces between ITS equipment and other vehicle systems and other passive and active external interfaces or views of the vehicle that support vehicle/traffic monitoring and management. External interfaces may also represent equipment that is carried into the vehicle (e.g., a smartphone that is brought into the vehicle). Internal interfaces are often implemented through a vehicle databus, which is also included in this object. Note that 'Vehicle' represents the general functions and interfaces that are associated with personal automobiles as well as commercial vehicles, emergency vehicles, transit vehicles, and other specialized vehicles.

Stakeholder: Basic Vehicle Owner

Systems Interconnected
with the Basic Vehicle Components

Architecture Flow Diagrams
which include Basic Vehicle Components:

Architecture Flows
to/from the Basic Vehicle Components:

Basic Vehicle Components flows into icon Commercial Vehicle Basic Vehicle Components flows into icon LYNX Transit Autonomous Vehicle Basic Vehicle Components flows into icon Vehicle Commercial Vehicleflows into iconBasic Vehicle Components LYNX Transit Autonomous Vehicleflows into iconBasic Vehicle Components Vehicleflows into iconBasic Vehicle Components

National ITS Architecture Subsystems
mapped to the Basic Vehicle Components:

National ITS Architecture Services
associated with Basic Vehicle Components:

Last Updated 2/5/2025