Florida Department of Transportation
Florida Statewide and Regional ITS Architectures

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Financial Institutions

Status: Existing

Description: Banking and financial institutions used by ITS systems to perform various banking transactions (e.g., funds transfers, credit card account management). Financial institutions can include corporate and government accounts payable organizations that provide subsidized transportation programs or incentives.

Stakeholder: Financial Institutions

Systems Interconnected
with the Financial Institutions

Architecture Flow Diagrams
which include Financial Institutions:

Architecture Flows
to/from the Financial Institutions:

Financial Institutions flows into icon E-PASS Headquarters Financial Institutions flows into icon Florida Statewide Tolling CCSS Financial Institutions flows into icon I-RIDE Tourist Shuttle Dispatch Financial Institutions flows into icon LYNX Transportation Center Financial Institutions flows into icon Sumter County Transit Dispatch Financial Institutions flows into icon SunRail Operations Control Center Financial Institutions flows into icon Votran Transit Dispatch Financial Institutions flows into icon VTRACS Transit Management E-PASS Headquartersflows into iconFinancial Institutions Florida Statewide Tolling CCSSflows into iconFinancial Institutions I-RIDE Tourist Shuttle Dispatchflows into iconFinancial Institutions LYNX Transportation Centerflows into iconFinancial Institutions Sumter County Transit Dispatchflows into iconFinancial Institutions SunRail Operations Control Centerflows into iconFinancial Institutions Votran Transit Dispatchflows into iconFinancial Institutions VTRACS Transit Managementflows into iconFinancial Institutions

National ITS Architecture Subsystems
mapped to the Financial Institutions:

National ITS Architecture Services
associated with Financial Institutions:

Last Updated 2/5/2025