Florida Department of Transportation
Florida Statewide and Regional ITS Architectures

Florida ITS Architecture Banner

Canaveral/Kennedy Space Port Operations Center

Status: Existing

Description: This Space Port Operations Center at the Kennedy Space Center is a major launch site that puts passenger and freight payloads into space. This unique extension to the Florida Architecture has several implications for the transportation system. Today its primary impact is in the commercial traffic that supports the launches and the launches themselves which are a special event that brings additional traffic congestion and incident management requirements to the region surrounding the space port.

Stakeholder: NASA/Private Companies

Systems Interconnected
with the Canaveral/Kennedy Space Port Operations Center

Architecture Flow Diagrams
which include Canaveral/Kennedy Space Port Operations Center:

Architecture Flows
to/from the Canaveral/Kennedy Space Port Operations Center:

Canaveral/Kennedy Space Port Operations Center flows into icon MetroPlan Transportation Data Collection System Canaveral/Kennedy Space Port Operations Center flows into icon SunStore County and City Public Information Systemflows into iconCanaveral/Kennedy Space Port Operations Center County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systemsflows into iconCanaveral/Kennedy Space Port Operations Center FDOT District 5 Construction and Maintenanceflows into iconCanaveral/Kennedy Space Port Operations Center MetroPlan Transportation Data Collection Systemflows into iconCanaveral/Kennedy Space Port Operations Center SunStoreflows into iconCanaveral/Kennedy Space Port Operations Center

National ITS Architecture Subsystems
mapped to the Canaveral/Kennedy Space Port Operations Center:

National ITS Architecture Services
associated with Canaveral/Kennedy Space Port Operations Center:

Last Updated 2/5/2025