Brevard County ITS - Evacuation Route
Project Description: Upgrade DMS signs to provide public with evacuation and transit related information.
Project Status: Planned
Project Stakeholders:
Interconnect and Flow

Project Service Packages:
Project Information Flows:
Project Functional Requirements (Element - Functional Object):
Brevard County Field Equipment - Roadway Traffic Information Dissemination
1: The field element shall include dynamic message signs for dissemination of traffic and other information to drivers, under center control; the DMS may be either those that display variable text messages, or those that have fixed format display(s) (e.g. vehicle restrictions, or lane open/close).
3: The field element shall provide operational status for the driver information systems equipment (DMS, HAR, etc.) to the center.
Brevard County Traffic Operations Center - TMC Evacuation Support
1: The center shall coordinate planning for evacuation with emergency management centers - including pre-planning activities such as establishing routes, areas to be evacuated, timing, etc.
4: The center shall coordinate execution of evacuation strategies with emergency management centers - including activities such as setting closures and detours, establishing routes, updating areas to be evacuated, timing the process, etc.
Brevard County Traffic Operations Center - TMC Traffic Information Dissemination
1: The center shall remotely control dynamic messages signs for dissemination of traffic and other information to drivers.
County EOCs/Warning Points - Emergency Evacuation Support
1: The center shall manage inter-agency coordination of evacuation operations, from initial planning through the evacuation process and reentry.
2: The center shall develop and exchange evacuation plans with allied agencies prior to the occurrence of a disaster.
5: The center shall provide evacuation information to traffic, transit, maintenance and construction, rail operations, and other emergency management centers as needed.
SCAT Dispatch Center - Transit Evacuation Support
1: The center shall manage the use of transit resources to support evacuation and subsequent reentry of a population in the vicinity of a disaster or other emergency.
Project Operational Concepts:
Last Updated 2/5/2025