Florida Department of Transportation
Florida Statewide and Regional ITS Architectures

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US: SAE Weather Info - Secure Wireless Internet (ITS)


This solution is used within the U.S.. It combines standards associated with US: SAE Weather Info with those for I-M: Secure Wireless Internet (ITS). The US: SAE Weather Info standards include upper-layer standards required to implement V2X weather information flows. The I-M: Secure Wireless Internet (ITS) standards include lower-layer standards that support secure communications between two entities, either or both of which may be mobile devices, but they must be stationary or only moving within wireless range of a single wireless access point (e.g., a parked car). Security is based on X.509 or IEEE 1609.2 certificates. A non-mobile (if any) endpoint may connect to the service provider using any Internet connection method.

Comm Profile: I-M: Secure Wireless Internet (ITS)

Standards in Profile:

Data Profile: US: SAE Weather Info

Standards in Profile:

Readiness Description:

A small number of minor issues. For existing deployments, consider addressing issues as needed as part of maintenance or upgrade activities. For new deployments, the solution is likely suitable for wide-scale deployment when applied to the triples it supports, though the noted issues should be considered and a path to addressing them developed, if needed, either as part of design or subsequent maintenance or upgrade activities.

Last Updated 5/24/2024