Florida Department of Transportation
Florida Statewide and Regional ITS Architectures

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US: MDS - Secure Internet (ITS)


This solution is used within Canada and the U.S.. It combines standards associated with US: MDS with those for I-I: Secure Internet (ITS). The US: MDS standards include The Mobility Data Specification is a digital tool that helps cities to better manage transportation in the public right of way. MDS standardizes communication and data-sharing between cities and private mobility providers, such as e-scooter and bike share companies. This allows cities to share and validate policy digitally, enabling vehicle management and better outcomes for residents. Plus, it provides mobility service providers with a framework they can re-use in new markets, allowing for seamless collaboration that saves time and money.. The I-I: Secure Internet (ITS) standards include lower-layer standards that support secure communications between ITS equipment using X.509 or IEEE 1609.2 security certificates.

Comm Profile: I-I: Secure Internet (ITS)

Standards in Profile:

Data Profile: US: MDS

Standards in Profile:

Readiness Description:

One significant or possibly a couple minor issues. For existing deployments, the chosen solution likely has identified security or management issues not addressed by the communications solution. Deployers should consider additional security measures, such as communications link and physical security as part of these solutions. They should also review the management issues to see if they are relevant to their deployment and would require mitigation. For new deployments, the deployment efforts should consider a path to addressing these issues as a part of their design activities. The solution does not by itself provide a fully secure implementation without additional work.

Last Updated 2/5/2025