Florida Department of Transportation
Florida Statewide and Regional ITS Architectures

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PSTA Integrated Fare Payment Application

Status: Planned

Description: The Integrated Fare Payment Application will be an open source application that will provide a single secure and reliable mobile payment option for various modes of transportation and for different agencies in the Tampa Bay Area. It will allow travelers of PSTA Transit, HART, ride hailing services ( Uber, Lyft), shared transportation (Coast Ride Share, Scooter) services, Ferri (Clearwater, Cross Bay) to make payment for their service.

Stakeholder: Pinellas Suncoast Transit Authority

Systems Interconnected
with the PSTA Integrated Fare Payment Application

Architecture Flow Diagrams
which include PSTA Integrated Fare Payment Application:

Architecture Flows
to/from the PSTA Integrated Fare Payment Application:

PSTA Integrated Fare Payment Application flows into icon Financial Institutions PSTA Integrated Fare Payment Application flows into icon Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices PSTA Integrated Fare Payment Application flows into icon Regional Smart Card PSTA Integrated Fare Payment Application flows into icon Transit Kiosks Financial Institutionsflows into iconPSTA Integrated Fare Payment Application Private Travelers Personal Computing Devicesflows into iconPSTA Integrated Fare Payment Application Regional Smart Cardflows into iconPSTA Integrated Fare Payment Application Transit Kiosksflows into iconPSTA Integrated Fare Payment Application

National ITS Architecture Subsystems
mapped to the PSTA Integrated Fare Payment Application:

National ITS Architecture Services
associated with PSTA Integrated Fare Payment Application:

Last Updated 2/5/2025