City of Clearwater Traffic Operations Division
Description: City of Clearwater Traffic Operations Division, which is a part of the Engineering Department, operates and maintains the ITS equipment.
Inventory Elements:
Roles and Responsibilities:
City of Clearwater Beach Parking Management Roles and Responsibilities
- Provide parking demand information to private/public parking facilities to determine parking capacity and traffic implications at facilities.
City of Clearwater ITS devices Roles and Responsibilities
- Provide traffic information to travelers using municipal DMS devices.
- Obtain traffic images and traffic flow data from City of Clearwater CCTVs and field sensors, and maintain operational control of all field equipment.
City of Clearwater Signal System Upgrades Roles and Responsibilities
- Operate traffic signal systems on municipal-owned arterials.
City of Clearwater Transit Signal Priority Roles and Responsibilities
- Provide transit signal priority with roadside devices for PSTA transit vehicles.
Incident Management (Traffic and Maintenance) for West Central Florida Regional ITS Architecture - FDOT District 7
- Adjust signal-timing patterns in response to incidents.
- Provide incident information to other traffic management and public safety agencies.
- Provide incident information to travelers using traffic information devices, such as DMS devices, on municipally owned roadways, and through local ISPs and Web sites.
- Provide maintenance resources in response to incidents on municipally operated arterials.
- Coordinate incident response for incidents on or adjacent to county-owned roadways with PWDs, public safety agencies, and EOCs in surrounding counties and municipalities, including scheduled event responses.
- Coordinate maintenance resource response to incidents in the municipality with local public safety agencies.
- Perform network surveillance for detection and verification of incidents, and send traffic/incident information and traffic images to local and county public safety agencies and EOCs.
Information Dissemination for West Central Florida Regional ITS Architecture - FDOT District 7
- Coordinate emergency plans, incident responses, and resources with the county EOC/warning points and local EOCs.
- Coordinate evacuation and reentry plans with the county EOC/warning points and local EOCs.
- Provide traffic and road network information to local transit agencies.
- Provide traffic information in a coordination effort to the FDOT statewide C2C information network.
- Provide traffic information to travelers using municipal DMS devices.
- Provide traffic information to travelers using municipal public information systems, private companies, FL511, and the media.
- Receive AMBER Alerts and other wide area alert information from the county EOC/warning points.
Maintenance and Construction for West Central Florida Regional ITS Architecture - FDOT District 7
- Provide maintenance and construction information to regional traffic operations, and to the traveling public using portable DMS devices.
- Coordinate maintenance and construction activities with other county and city maintenance operations and FDOT District 7 maintenance operations.
- Coordinate maintenance or construction requests from RTMCs.
- Coordinate maintenance resources for incidents with FDOT District 7 maintenance and construction operations, and other county and city maintenance and construction departments.
- Receive a request for maintenance resources for incident response from county fire/EMS agencies, the county sheriff, local police/fire/EMS agencies, the FHP, 911 emergency call centers, and county EOCs.
- Receive a request for maintenance resources for incident response from regional county traffic management systems.
- Receive AVL information from city PWD vehicles.
- Receive road weather information from field equipment.
- Distribute maintenance and construction work plan information and asset restrictions to regional traffic agencies, regional transit providers, regional emergency services, the media, private rail operations, and multimodal service providers.
- Maintenance vehicles provide automated maintenance status information to the city roadway maintenance and construction operations, as well as local equipment repair facilities.
- Manage work zones for all county maintenance and construction activities, and monitor work zone safety with county field equipment and vehicles.
- Perform maintenance of ITS field equipment owned by the city.
Pinellas Connected Community ATCMTD CAV Roles and Responsibilities
- Coordinate traffic information and traffic control with Pinellas County.
- Obtain traffic images and traffic flow data City of Clearwater CCTVs and field sensors, and maintain operational control of all field equipment.
- Operate traffic signal systems on municipal-owned arterials.
PSTA Intermodal Centers Roles and Responsibilities
- Receive transit system information from PSTA.
Traffic Signal Control for West Central Florida Regional ITS Architecture - FDOT District 7
- Provide interconnection between railroad equipment and traffic signal systems to update signal timing when HRIs are blocked by trains.
- Coordinate emergency traffic signal control with the county EOC/warning points.
- Provide parking demand information to private/public parking facilities to determine parking capacity and traffic implications at facilities.
- Coordinate traffic information and traffic control with Pinellas County.
- Provide transit signal priority with roadside devices for PSTA transit vehicles.
- Coordinate traffic information with FDOT District 7 and adjoining cities.
- Obtain traffic images and traffic flow data City of Clearwater CCTVs and field sensors, and maintain operational control of all field equipment.
- Operate traffic signal systems on municipal-owned arterials.
- Provide emergency signal preemption for local police and fire/EMS vehicles.
Traveler Information for West Central Florida Regional ITS Architecture - FDOT District 7
- Collect traffic and incident information, and provide it to the media and private travelers.
- Coordinate and share traveler information with all other traveler information providers in the region.
- Provide maintenance and construction information to the traveling public using roadside equipment, such as DMS devices and HAR broadcasts, and traveler information systems.
Last Updated 2/5/2025