Interface: Commercial Vehicle Company Offices - Commercial Vehicles

Information Flow Definitions
driver to fleet request (Future) Selected Comm Solution
Requests from the driver and vehicle for routing, payment, and enrollment information.
fleet to driver update (Future) Selected Comm Solution
Updated instructions to the driver including dispatch, routing, travel and parking information, and special instructions. Special instructions include incident management instruction, operational tasks, impacted transport orders in case of an incident, task descriptions with trip/route/load plan, transport order status information, driver information, vehicle information, cargo information and trip information.
on-board safety data (Future) Selected Comm Solution
Safety data measured by on–board sensors. Includes information about the vehicle, vehicle components, cargo, and driver. The query flow is not explicitly shown.
on-board vehicle data (Future) Selected Comm Solution
Information about the commercial vehicle stored on–board (for maintenance purposes, gate access, cargo status, lock status, etc.). The request flow is not explicitly shown.
safety inspection record (Future) Selected Comm Solution
Record containing results of commercial vehicle safety inspection.
trip log (Future) Selected Comm Solution
Driver's daily log, vehicle location, mileage, and trip activity (includes screening, inspection and border clearance event data as well as fare payments). The request flow is not explicitly shown.