Interface: PennDOT Field Devices - State - PennDOT Central Office Organizations

Information Flow Definitions
commercial vehicle violation notification (Existing) Selected Comm Solution
Notification of a violation. The violation notification flow describes the statute or regulation that was violated and how it was violated (e. g., overweight on specific axle by xxx pounds or which brake was out of adjustment and how far out of adjustment it was). A violation differs from a citation because it is not adjudicated by the courts. It specifically includes the date/time and location of the violation and identification of the vehicle, driver, and associated equipment/cargo.
daily site activity data (Existing) Selected Comm Solution
Record of daily activities at commercial vehicle check stations including summaries of screening events and inspections.
safety inspection report (Existing) Selected Comm Solution
Report containing results of commercial vehicle safety inspection. The information may be provided as a response to a real–time query or proactively by the source. The query flow is not explicitly shown.