Virginia DMV Motor Carrier Service Centers
This system determines if commercial vehicles are overweight and/or overheight of the limits for bridge traffic set by the DMV. Mobile weigh stations are also included in this systems. The TOCs would like to know if the mobile weigh stations will impact roadways they operate (e.g., additional truck traffic).
Systems Interconnected
with the Virginia DMV Motor Carrier Service Centers
Architecture Flow Diagrams
which include Virginia DMV Motor Carrier Service Centers:
Architecture Flows
to/from the Virginia DMV Motor Carrier Service Centers:
VDOT CRO TOC/ATMSVirginia DMV Motor Carrier Service CentersNational ITS Architecture Subsystems
mapped to the Virginia DMV Motor Carrier Service Centers:
- Archived Data System Subsystem
- Commercial Vehicle Administration Center Subsystem
- Data Distribution System Subsystem
- Transportation Information Center Subsystem