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Virginia's Statewide and Regional ITS Architectures



ITS standards are fundamental to the establishment of an open ITS environment. Standards are important components of the information flows in the VDOT ITS Architectures. They facilitate deployment of interoperable systems at local, regional, and national levels without impeding innovation as technology advances and new approaches evolve.

The VDOT ITS Architectures identify the ITS standards that are applicable to the ITS activities in the region. Their use encourages interoperability among systems, and stakeholders are strongly encouraged to use the applicable standards when feasible.

ARC-IT Version 9.0 reorganized the standards associated with each information flow. The reorganization introduces solutions which associate sets of standards for consideration to address an interface or information flow implementation. Along with the communications solution details is a Readiness Description that provides insight into the solution regarding issues that may exist with the readiness of the standards in the solution. This information is provided for informational purposes to the user for further investigation of the standards to make sure all aspects are known during development and deployment timeframes for an applicable ITS implementation. The readiness information is captured from ARC-IT as additional information that should be verified by the user given the constantly evolving standards development environment and changing status.

The following list provides all ITS standards that are applicable in the District 3: Lynchburg District Regional ITS Architecture (RITSA), and the information flows to which each applies. Each standard is hyperlinked to the District 3: Lynchburg District RITSA's information flows to which that standard may apply.

APTA = American Public Transportation Association
ASN = Abstract Syntax Notation
ASTM = American Society for Testing and Materials
ATIS = Advanced Traveler Information Systems
C2F = Center to Field
DSRC = Dedicated Short Range Communications
F2F = Field to Field
GTFS = General Transit Feed Specification
IEEE = Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
ITE = Institute of Transportation Engineers
JSON = JavaScript Object Notation
NTCIP = National Transportation Communications for ITS Protocol
RSE = Roadside Equipment
SAE = Society of Automobile Engineers
SMTP = Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
SNMP = Simple Network Management Protocol
SRC = Short Range Communications
TCIP = Transit Communications Interface Profiles
TMDD = Traffic Management Data Dictionary
TS = Technical Specification
UDP = User Datagram Protocol
WAB = Wide Area Broadcast
WAID = Wide Area Information Disseminator
WAVE = Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments
WAW = Wide Area Wireless
WSMP = WAVE Short Message Protocol
WWW = World Wide Web
XML = eXtensible Markup Language


Last Updated 2/25/2025