The VDOT Operations Technology Services/Asset Management (OTSaAM) system is used to coordinate maintenance and construction activities. This system covers all aspect of operations such as ICAS, IMMS, BMS, and VaTraffic. This system is a central database keeping track of maintenance status for major assets like bridges, tunnels, etc.
Systems Interconnected
with the VDOT OTSaAM System
Architecture Flow Diagrams
which include VDOT OTSaAM System:
Architecture Flows
to/from the VDOT OTSaAM System:
VDOT OTSaAM System VDOT NRO MPSTOC - TOC/ATMSNational ITS Architecture Subsystems
mapped to the VDOT OTSaAM System:
- Asset Management System Terminator
- Maint and Constr Administrative Systems Terminator
- Maint and Constr Management Center Subsystem
National ITS Architecture Services
associated with VDOT OTSaAM System:
- DM01 - ITS Data Warehouse -- (Graphic)
- PS10 - Wide-Area Alert -- (Graphic)
- PS11 - Early Warning System -- (Graphic)
- PS12 - Disaster Response and Recovery -- (Graphic)
- PS13 - Evacuation and Reentry Management -- (Graphic)
- TI01 - Broadcast Traveler Information -- (Graphic)
- TI02 - Personalized Traveler Information -- (Graphic)
- TM08 - Traffic Incident Management System -- (Graphic)
- TM19 - Roadway Closure Management -- (Graphic)