Definition:The Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT) is responsible for maintaining approximately 10,000 miles of state highways and their related features across the state of Kansas. KDOT's headquarters are in Topeka with six District Offices, 26 Area Offices and 112 Sub-Area Offices
across the state. KDOT is organized into numerous Bureaus with specific responsibilities.
Stakeholder Groups Associated With:
Inventory Elements:
Roles and Responsibilities:
Archived Data Systems for Wichita Area
- KDOT will primarily collect freeway transportation related data (e.g, traffic volumes, accidents) to provide basic data quality, data privacy, and metadata management.
- KDOT will collect data from other agencies (e.g., public safety agencies) and other data sources in the Wichita Area. KDOT will perform additional analysis and transformations of the data and provide the additional metadata management features that are necessary so that all the data can be managed in a single repository with consistent formats.
Emergency Management for Wichita Area
- KDOT is responsible for assisting public safety during disasters (manmade or natural diasters).
- KDOT is responsible for sharing congestion related, work zone information, and other events that will cause disruption in traffic to other traffic management, emergency management, media, commercial vehicle organizations, and information service providers in the Wichita area.
- KDOT responsible for responding to incidents, disasters, security threats, or any event that will cause a disruption to traffic flow and requires their personnel to provide assistance.
Freeway Management for Wichita Area
- KDOT is responsible for disseminating transportation related information on DMS and HAR signs and sharing with other agencies in the Wichita Area.
- KDOT is responsible for collecting measures of effectiveness on the freeway system to aid in monitoring and managing traffic conditions.
- KDOT is responsible for using the collected information to implement control and response measures (e.g., ramp metering) to restore traffic back to normal operating conditions.
Incident Management for Wichita Area
- KDOT reponsible for responding to incidents, disasters, security threats, or any event that will cause a disruption to traffic flow and requires their personnel to provide assistance.
- KDOT is responsible for collecting traffic related data that provide indcations that there may be disruptions in the traffic stream in the Wichita Area.
- KDOT is responsible for collecting traffic incident information detected by the motorist assistence patrol vehicles traversing the Wichita Area.
- KDOT is responsible for sharing congestion related, work zone information, and other events that will cause disruption in traffic to other traffic management, emergency management, media, commercial vehicle organizations, and information service providers in the Wichita area.
Maintenance and Construction for Wichita Area
- KDOT is responsible for distributing the road weather conditions collected from environmental sensor stations and also from their maintenance and construction vehicles (future concept) to other agencies in the Wichita Area.
- KDOT is responsible for managing snow plow operations for their coverage areas and ensuring proper treatment measures are implemented to allow motorist to safely navigate on the roadway system.
- KDOT is responsible to posting work zone information on portable DMS and HAR to information motorist of work zone activity. These posting will allow motorist to drive with caution as they travel through work zones in the Wichita Area.
- KDOT is responsible for managing the routine maintenance activities (e.g., grass cutting, debris removing, field asset repairs) in the Wichita Area.
- KDOT is responsible for using the environmental sensors to access roadway conditions and make determinations as to what corrective actions are warranted.
- KDOT is responsible for coordinating work zone projects with adjacent jurisdictions. This coordination will help to ensure that motorist are not unnecessarily driving through multiple work zone and are not causing significant delays to motorist.
- KDOT is responsible for tracking their maintenance and construction vehicles to aid with managing snow plow operations and resource deployments.
Traveler Information for Wichita Area
- KDOT is responsible for posting natural and man-made disaster information on the KDOT TOC Information System. KDOT is responsible for posting wide area alerts and amber alert information on the KDOT TOC Information System.
- KDOT is responsible for providing information on the KDOT TOC Information System. The information provided will be traffic congestion levels, road weather conditions, maintenance and construction projects that may impact motorist commute times.