Interface: ADOT CV Roadside Equipment - DPS Network Operations Center - NOC

ADOT CV Roadside Equipment to DPS Network Operations Center - NOC Interface Diagram

Information Flow Definitions

equipment control commands  (Planned)  Selected Comm Solution

System–level control commands issued to the RSE such as reset and remote diagnostics.

RSE application information  (Planned)  Selected Comm Solution

RSE application configuration data and parameters that are used to control applications and configure the application for a specific local use. This flow also supports remote control of the application so the application can be taken offline, reset, or restarted.

RSE application install/upgrade  (Planned)  Selected Comm Solution

This flow supports remote installation and update of software applications residing in the RSE. It supports transmission of the secure software installation files, including executable application code and associated support files.

RSE application status  (Planned)  Selected Comm Solution

Monitoring of RSE application status including current mode, operational status, and configuration settings. It includes the status of installed applications and the application–specific data provided by the RSE.