This website is a DRAFT, in–progress work product for the Arizona Statewide ITS Architecture Update (2023). It is not yet a final product. It was developed to assist the ITS architecture Stakeholder Group in reviewing draft material from the architecture update activities. The underlying data will be updated based on stakeholder feedback on the information on the website. The website will be re–generated with the updated information in the coming weeks and months. When underlying data is finalized, and the architecture update is completed, these webpages will be hosted on the ADOT website, replacing the 2018 architecture update webpages.
This Statewide ITS Architecture is a roadmap for transportation systems integration. The architecture is being updated through a cooperative effort by the state's transportation agencies, covering all Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) systems statewide, as well as all areas of the state outside of the Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG) Region and the Pima Association of Governments (PAG) Region. The architecture addresses traffic management, transit management, emergency management, commercial vehicle operations, and transportation data management. It represents a shared vision of how transportation management systems will work together in the future, sharing information and resources to provide a safer, more efficient, and more effective transportation system for travelers in the state.
The architecture provides an overarching framework for transportation technology projects for any agency operating and/or planning to operate transportation management systems. Using the architecture, each transportation technology project can be viewed as an element of the overall transportation system, providing visibility into the relationship between individual transportation technology projects and systems. The architecture provides guidance on ways to cost–effectively build an integrated transportation system over time.
The purpose of this statewide ITS architecture web site is to encourage use of the statewide ITS architecture and gather feedback so that the architecture is used and continues to reflect the intelligent transportation system vision for the state. The menu bar at left provides access to the stakeholders, the transportation systems in the state (the Inventory), the transportation–related functions that are envisioned, and the existing and planned integration opportunities in the state.