Roles and Responsibilities
This page documents each stakeholder's current and future roles and responsibilities in the operation of the regional transportation system across a range of transportation services and related support services.
Area | Description |
Commercial Vehicle Operations for Arizona | Arizona Commercial Vehicle Operations (CVO) statewide operate at one or more fixed locations within Arizona. The state CVO performs administrative functions supporting credentials, tax, and safety regulations. It issues credentials, collects fees and taxes, and supports enforcement of credential requirements. The Statewide CVO communicates with the Fleet Management Subsystems associated with the motor carriers to process credentials applications and collect fuel taxes, weight/distance taxes, and other taxes and fees associated with commercial vehicle operations. CVO also receives applications for, and issues special Oversize/Overweight and HAZMAT permits in coordination with other cognizant authorities. The subsystem coordinates with other Commercial Vehicle Administration Subsystems (in other states/regions) to support nationwide access to credentials and safety information for administration and enforcement functions. This subsystem supports communications with Commercial Vehicle Check Subsystems operating at the roadside to enable credential checking and safety information collection. The collected safety information is processed, stored, and made available to qualified stakeholders to identify carriers and drivers that operate unsafely. |
Connected Vehicle Support for Arizona | Provides monitoring, management and control services necessary to other applications and/or devices operating within the Connected Vehicle Environment. This service package maintains and monitors the performance and configuration of the connected vehicle system. This includes tracking and management of the infrastructure configuration as well as detection, isolation, and correction of infrastructure service problems. It also includes monitoring of performance of the infrastructure and mobile equipment, which includes RSEs, OBEs, the back office applications, as well as the communication links that connect the system. Identifies the external systems and interfaces that provide accurate location and time to intelligent transportation system devices and systems. Ensure trusted communications between mobile devices and other mobile devices or roadside devices and protect data they handle from unauthorized access. The service package grants trust credentials to qualified mobile devices and infrastructure devices in the Connected Vehicle Environment so that those devices may be considered trusted by other devices that receive trust credentials from the SCM service package. The service package allows credentials to be requested and revoked and secures the exchange of trust credentials between parties, so that no other party can intercept and use those credentials illegitimately. The service package provides security to the transmissions between connected devices, ensuring authenticity and integrity of the transmissions. Additional security features include privacy protection, authorization and privilege class definition, as well as non–repudiation of origin. |
Data Management Systems for Arizona | The Archived Data Management collects, archives, manages, and distributes data generated from ITS sources for use in transportation administration, policy evaluation, safety, planning, performance monitoring, program assessment, operations, and research applications. ITS data sources can be combined with data from non–ITS sources and other archives to generate information products. Archive data can serve as inputs to federal, state, and local data reporting systems. Archives may reside within an operational center and provide focused access to a particular agency's data archives. Alternatively, it may operate as a distinct center that collects data from multiple agencies and sources and provides a general data warehouse service for a region |
Emergency Management for Arizona | Emergency Management (EM) for Arizona includes public safety, emergency management, and other allied agency systems that support incident management, disaster response and evacuation, security monitoring, and other security and public safety–oriented ITS applications. |
International Border for Arizona | Roles and responsibilities that provide international border crossing management for passenger vehicles and other non–commercial travelers crossing the border. Roles involving managing traffic at the border crossing, providing technology to support expedited processing of trusted travelers, and collecting and disseminating border wait times. |
Maintenance and Construction Operations (MCO) for Arizona | Maintenance and Construction Operations (MCO) for Arizona monitors and manages roadway infrastructure construction and maintenance activities including managing fleets of maintenance, construction, or special service vehicles (e.g., snow and ice control equipment) and a wide range of status information from these vehicles and performs vehicle dispatch, routing, and resource management for the vehicle fleets and associated equipment. |
Surface Street Management for Arizona | Service Street Management includes traffic detectors, other surveillance equipment, the supporting field equipment, and fixed–point to fixed–point communications to transmit the collected data back to the Traffic Management Subsystem. The derived data can be used locally such as when traffic detectors are connected directly to a signal control system or remotely (e.g., when a CCTV system sends data back to the Traffic Management Subsystem). The data generated enables traffic managers to monitor traffic and road conditions, identify and verify incidents, detect faults in indicator operations, and collect census data for traffic strategy development and long range planning. The collected data can also be analyzed and made available to users and the Information Service Provider Subsystem |
Traffic Management for Arizona | Traffic Management for Arizona monitors and controls traffic and the road network. It includes centers that manage a broad range of transportation facilities including freeway systems, rural and suburban highway systems, and urban and suburban traffic control systems. This subsystem communicates with the Roadway Subsystem to monitor and manage traffic flow and monitor the condition of the roadway, surrounding environmental conditions, and field equipment status. |
Transit Services for Arizona | Transit Services for Arizona includes operational concepts for transit vehicle fleets and coordinates with other modes and transportation services. It provides operations, maintenance, customer information, planning and management functions for the transit property. It spans distinct central dispatch and garage management systems and supports the spectrum of fixed route, flexible route, paratransit services, transit rail, and bus rapid transit (BRT) service. |
Traveler Information for Arizona | Traveler Information for Arizona provides information in response to a traveler request. Both real–time interactive request/response systems and information systems that "push" a tailored stream of information to the traveler based on a submitted profile are supported. The traveler can obtain current information regarding traffic conditions, roadway maintenance and construction, transit services, ride share/ride match, parking management, detours and pricing information. |
Vehicle Safety for Arizona | Vehicle Safety areas improve vehicle safety using on–board sensors that monitor the driving environment surrounding the vehicle. All levels of driving automation are supported ranging from basic warning systems that warn the driver through full automation where the vehicle controls the steering and acceleration/decelaration in all scenarios and environments, without driver intervention. Includes autonomous capabilities that rely only on on–board systems without communication with other vehicles or the infrastructure.exchanges basic safety messages with surrounding Connected Vehicles to support and augment the safety warning and control automation features. These exchanges support Connected Vehicle safety applications defined in SAE J2945/1: Emergency Electronic Brake Lights, Forward Crash Warning, Blind Spot Warning/Lane Change Warning, Intersection Movement Assist, Left Turn Assist, and Control Loss Warning. It also supports Do Not Pass Warning, Motorcycle Approaching indication, Tailgating Advisory, Stationary Vehicle, and Pre–Crash Actions applications. Shares information about potentially hazardous road conditions or road hazards with other vehicles to support enhanced driver warnings and control automation. alerts the driver about the location of and the movement of public safety vehicles responding to an incident, slow moving vehicles, oversized vehicles, and other special vehicles that may require special attention from the driver. Vehicle Safety provides services for full vehicle automation, controlling both the steering and acceleration/deceleration on areas of the highway system that support full automation. Communications between vehicles and between the vehicles and supporting infrastructure equipment supports cooperative check–in to the automated portion of the system and transition to automated mode, coordination of maneuvers between vehicles in automated mode, and checkout from the automated system. Service packages in Vehicle Safety are distinguished from the most advanced CACC systems in that full longitudinal and lateral control automation are supported, enabling closely spaced, tightly coupled platoons of vehicles to operate with short fixed gaps, providing greatly enhanced highway capacity and throughput with enhanced efficiency since aerodynamic drag is reduced. |
Weather for Arizona | Roles and responsibilities in this area include activites that support weather data collection, processing, distribution of weather related data. Collect and share road conditions and weather data from environmental sensors in the roadway or from on board vehicle sensors Install and maintain weather station field elements able to gather weather information and communicate with passing vehicles to send and collect environmental monitoring data and other road weather information with location and timestamp information. |