Vehicle GPS and Time Data

Status: Existing


The 'Vehicle Location and Time Data Source' provides accurate position information for vehicle–based mobile devices. While a Global Positioning System (GPS) Receiver is the most common implementation, this physical object represents any technology that provides a position fix in three dimensions and time with sufficient accuracy. This data can be used for location through a vehicle OBE (ie for time stamping and performance monitoring).


StakeholderRoleRole Status
Time and Data SourcesOwnsExisting
Time and Data SourcesOperatesExisting

Physical Objects

Location and Time Data Source

Interfaces To

(View Context Diagram)

ADOT Construction Vehicles
ADOT Systems Maintenance Vehicles
Cities and Towns MCO Vehicles
Cities and Towns Public Works Vehicles
Cities and Towns Transit Vehicles
County Public Works Vehicles
Independent School District Buses
Mountain Lift Paratransit Vehicles
Mountain Line Transit Buses
Transit Provider Vehicles
Tribal Transit Vehicles
YCAT Buses