CVO03-Electronic Credentials Clearance

Status: Existing


This service package provides for automated clearance at roadside check facilities. The roadside check facility communicates with the Commercial Vehicle Administration subsystem to retrieve infrastructure snapshots of critical carrier, vehicle, and driver data to be used to sort passing vehicles. This allows a good driver/vehicle/carrier to pass roadside facilities at highway speeds using transponders and Field–Vehicle Communications to the roadside. Results of roadside clearance activities will be passed on to the Commercial Vehicle Administration. The roadside check facility may be equipped with Automated Vehicle Identification (AVI), weighing sensors, transponder read/write devices and computer workstations.

Includes Elements

ADOT WIM Stations
Commercial Vehicles
AAMVA Driver and Vehicle Verification Systems
DPS Commercial Vehicle Enforcement
IFTA Clearinghouse
Safety Fitness Electronic Record (SAFER)
ADOT Electronic Bypass Stations
DPS Roadside Safety Inspection
ADOT MVD Commercial Vehicle Administration
AAMVA IRP Clearinghouse