Stakeholder | Role and Responsibility |
ADOT | |
ADOT Motor Vehicle Division registers commercial vehicles. They also provide licenses to drivers and plates to the vehicles. |
ADOT Enforcement and Compliance Division (ECD) handles medical certificate issues as they concern commercial drivers. They have an international fuel tax agreement (IFTA). They are a member of the IRP plan and participate in the IRP Clearing House. |
Receive and store information on commercial vehicle violations from enforcement agencies for processing credentials. |
Participate in electronic credentialing and safety screening programs. |
Notify enforcement agencies of credential and other criminal violations. |
Interface with commercial vehicle driver to include routes, property credentials and weather conditions. |
Gather information from stakeholders and Maintain Statewide ITS Architecture every 3–5 years or as needed. |
Exchanges data and information with non transportation agencies such as the Administrative Office of the Courts and the Criminal Justice Information Systems. |
ADOT ECD utilizes certified peace officers to enforce transportation and commercial vehicle related laws and regulations. |
ADOT ECD is responsible for CVO Weigh in Motion (WIM) activities in the State of Arizona including international border weigh in motion. |
Checks commercial vehicles at fixed ports of entry to the State and through mobile enforcement for compliance, weight, and safety laws, including laws relating to the transportation of hazardous materials. |
ADOT ECD Inspects vehicles to ensure their legality and identifies stolen vehicles and vehicle parts. They provide internal investigations, fraud investigations, and other investigative services. |
American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators (AAMVA) | Develop and maintains many information systems that facilitate the electronic exchange of driver, vehicle, and identity information between organizations. |
Operates the IRP Clearinghouse |
AAMVA represents the state and provincial officials in the United States and Canada who administer and enforce motor vehicle laws. |
Develop model programs in motor vehicle administration, police traffic services and highway safety. |
Arizona Department of Public Safety (DPS) | CVO division of DPS operates and monitors electronic credentialing and safety screening programs. |
A laptop based system to conduct roadside safety inspections by DPS. |
Through the DPS Commercial Vehicle Division, assure the safety of the motoring public by enforcing Federal Carrier Safety Regulations. Primary functions include inspections, vehicle weight enforcement, and traffic enforcement. |
Designated as the Motor Carrier Safety Assistance Program (MCSAP) Lead Agency. |
Commercial Vehicle Information Exchange collects snapshots for interstate and intrastate carriers, vehicles, and drivers. CVO administration. |
Enforces rules and regulations governing the safety operations of motor carriers, shippers and vehicles transporting hazardous materials. |
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Agency (FMSCA) | Partners with stakeholders including Federal, State, and local enforcement agencies, the motor carrier industry, safety groups, and organized labor on efforts to reduce bus and truck–related crashes. |
Provide carrier, vehicle, and driver safety and credential information to fixed and mobile roadside inspection stations. |
Allow the roadside inspector to select vehicles and/or drivers for inspection based on the number of prior carrier inspections, as well as carrier, vehicle, and driver safety and credential historical information. |
Participate in electronic credentialing and safety screening programs. |
Develops and enforces data–driven regulations that balance motor carrier (truck and bus companies) safety with efficiency. |
Financial Institutions | Accept financial information from motor carriers and process to facilitate payment for commercial fees. |
Accept and process payment of fees to the commercial vehicle administration center |
International Fuel Tax Association (IFTA) | National clearinghouse designed to allocate fuel taxes between multiple states for motor carrier activities across jurisdictional lines. |
Performs IFTA dispute resolution for member entities. |
Provides a forum for carriewrs to resolve compliance issues with a jurisdiction. |
Private Commercial Carriers | Respond to requests to provide data accumulated on–board the vehicle to roadside check facilities for inspection including driver logs, electronic identifiers, credentials and other screening data. |
Respond to electronic cargo lock tag (if so equipped) to roadside check facilities. |
Set up routes, pay necessary taxes, obtain and maintain proper credentials. |
Receive pass/pull–in messages from roadside check facilities in audible or visual form. |
US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) | Provide commercial vehicle safety data to roadside check facilities. |
Participate in electronic credentialing and safety screening programs. |
Notify enforcement agencies of credential violations. |