Commercial Vehicle Operations for Arizona Roles and Responsibilities

StakeholderRole and Responsibility
ADOT Motor Vehicle Division registers commercial vehicles. They also provide licenses to drivers and plates to the vehicles.
ADOT Enforcement and Compliance Division (ECD) handles medical certificate issues as they concern commercial drivers. They have an international fuel tax agreement (IFTA). They are a member of the IRP plan and participate in the IRP Clearing House.
Receive and store information on commercial vehicle violations from enforcement agencies for processing credentials.
Participate in electronic credentialing and safety screening programs.
Notify enforcement agencies of credential and other criminal violations.
Interface with commercial vehicle driver to include routes, property credentials and weather conditions.
Gather information from stakeholders and Maintain Statewide ITS Architecture every 3–5 years or as needed.
Exchanges data and information with non transportation agencies such as the Administrative Office of the Courts and the Criminal Justice Information Systems.
ADOT ECD utilizes certified peace officers to enforce transportation and commercial vehicle related laws and regulations.
ADOT ECD is responsible for CVO Weigh in Motion (WIM) activities in the State of Arizona including international border weigh in motion.
Checks commercial vehicles at fixed ports of entry to the State and through mobile enforcement for compliance, weight, and safety laws, including laws relating to the transportation of hazardous materials.
ADOT ECD Inspects vehicles to ensure their legality and identifies stolen vehicles and vehicle parts. They provide internal investigations, fraud investigations, and other investigative services.
American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators (AAMVA)Develop and maintains many information systems that facilitate the electronic exchange of driver, vehicle, and identity information between organizations.
Operates the IRP Clearinghouse
AAMVA represents the state and provincial officials in the United States and Canada who administer and enforce motor vehicle laws.
Develop model programs in motor vehicle administration, police traffic services and highway safety.
Arizona Department of Public Safety (DPS)CVO division of DPS operates and monitors electronic credentialing and safety screening programs.
A laptop based system to conduct roadside safety inspections by DPS.
Through the DPS Commercial Vehicle Division, assure the safety of the motoring public by enforcing Federal Carrier Safety Regulations. Primary functions include inspections, vehicle weight enforcement, and traffic enforcement.
Designated as the Motor Carrier Safety Assistance Program (MCSAP) Lead Agency.
Commercial Vehicle Information Exchange collects snapshots for interstate and intrastate carriers, vehicles, and drivers. CVO administration.
Enforces rules and regulations governing the safety operations of motor carriers, shippers and vehicles transporting hazardous materials.
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Agency (FMSCA)Partners with stakeholders including Federal, State, and local enforcement agencies, the motor carrier industry, safety groups, and organized labor on efforts to reduce bus and truck–related crashes.
Provide carrier, vehicle, and driver safety and credential information to fixed and mobile roadside inspection stations.
Allow the roadside inspector to select vehicles and/or drivers for inspection based on the number of prior carrier inspections, as well as carrier, vehicle, and driver safety and credential historical information.
Participate in electronic credentialing and safety screening programs.
Develops and enforces data–driven regulations that balance motor carrier (truck and bus companies) safety with efficiency.
Financial InstitutionsAccept financial information from motor carriers and process to facilitate payment for commercial fees.
Accept and process payment of fees to the commercial vehicle administration center
International Fuel Tax Association (IFTA)National clearinghouse designed to allocate fuel taxes between multiple states for motor carrier activities across jurisdictional lines.
Performs IFTA dispute resolution for member entities.
Provides a forum for carriewrs to resolve compliance issues with a jurisdiction.
Private Commercial CarriersRespond to requests to provide data accumulated on–board the vehicle to roadside check facilities for inspection including driver logs, electronic identifiers, credentials and other screening data.
Respond to electronic cargo lock tag (if so equipped) to roadside check facilities.
Set up routes, pay necessary taxes, obtain and maintain proper credentials.
Receive pass/pull–in messages from roadside check facilities in audible or visual form.
US Customs and Border Protection (CBP)Provide commercial vehicle safety data to roadside check facilities.
Participate in electronic credentialing and safety screening programs.
Notify enforcement agencies of credential violations.