Stakeholder | Role and Responsibility |
ADOT | Monitor traffic on ADOT controlled highways and on–ramps. |
Gather information from stakeholders and Maintain Statewide ITS Architecture every 3–5 years or as needed. |
Use systems polling feature to provide fault data |
Coordinate road closure data and information with other agencies and notify appropriate information service providers of road closure schedules. |
Remotely monitor video images and surveillance data collected in secure areas on facilities and in traffic. |
Provide snowplow operations support and availability information for other agencies. |
Collect, process, store and disseminate weather information to travelers. |
Coordinate and implement traffic control response to incidents. |
Remotely control dynamic message signs for dissemination of traffic and other information to drivers. |
Collect and share information collected by the service patrol with traffic, maintenance and construction, and traveler information systems for incident management, incident notification to travelers and incident cleanup. |
Dispatch and track location of roadway service patrol vehicles to identified incident locations. |
Provide resources when requested by emergency management agencies. |
Share control of field equipment with ADOT Districts, other transportation and emergency agencies. |
Monitor traffic on highways, on–ramps, and ADOT controlled highways. Provide traffic and incident information to drivers. Share traffic information with other emergency and transportation agencies. |
Provide information on traffic conditions, environment conditions, weather and event information from the requested voice activated phone system. |
Install, operate, and maintain Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment. |
Arizona Department of Public Safety (DPS) | Receive public safety calls from cellular (wireless) telephones and forward to appropriate dispatch center. |
Be first responder to incidents (typically), as appropriate and serve as incident command (IC) during moderate to major traffic incidents, as appropriate. |
Request Emergency Services actions taken or needed. |
Dispatch state patrol vehicles. |
Coordinate road closures with other agencies and notify appropriate information service providers of road closure schedules. |
Respond to silent and audible alarms received from travelers in secure areas such as transit stops, rest areas and on buses. |
Collect and share information collected by the service patrol with traffic, maintenance and construction, and traveler information systems for incident management, incident notification to travelers and incident cleanup. |
AZTech | Report road closures to all agencies. |
Manage traffic on arterials using traffic signals including preemption for emergency vehicles and at highway–rail intersections. |
Collect and exchange traffic sensor and control data with other coordinating agencies. |
Monitor traffic on arterials. |
Operate traffic detectors, other surveillance equipment, the supporting field equipment, and fixed–point to fixed–point communications to transmit the collected data back to the Traffic Management Subsystem. |
Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) | Participate in project development and funding information, data collection and distribution to the traveling public |
Maricopa County Department of Transportation (MCDOT) | Coordinate and facilitate sharing of traffic, event, weather, incident and other information on corridors crossing the boundaries between cities, counties and state agencies. |
Monitor traffic on arterials. |
Coordinate road closures with other agencies and notify appropriate information service providers of road closure schedules. |
Monitor and maintain ITS systems on County roadways. |
Use systems polling feature to provide fault data for ITS field elements. |
Update Information to ISP and Media Outlets (web sites, TV, etc.) and issue alerts. |
Media | Provide broadcast traveler information. |
Disseminate information to the public through various communication media regarding traffic speeds, event planning, incidents, road closures and weather related information. |
Gather information from traffic and emergency management agencies such as ADOT, DPS, Sheriff, Police and Fire regarding traffic, incidents, road closures, and weather related concerns for the public. |
Provide support from the media for traffic and incident data. |
Update Information to ISP and Media Outlets (web sites, TV, etc.) and issue alerts. |
National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) | Disseminate information to public agencies (ADOT, DPS, Counties, etc.) about current and forecast weather conditions. |
Private Information Service Providers | Collect, process, store and disseminate traffic and highway condition information to travelers, including incident information, detours and road closures, event information, recommended routes and current speeds on specific routes. |
Coordinate and facilitate sharing of traffic, event, weather, incident and other information on corridors crossing the boundaries between States and/or Districts |
Rail Organizations | Participate in regional discussions of rail and traffic movement. |
Exchange information with Arizona Statewide stakeholders that would aid in coordinating highway rail interface, timing plans for crossing busy arterials and a consistent flow of rail and traffic. |
State of California | Coordinate and facilitate sharing of traffic, event, weather, incident and other information on corridors crossing the boundaries between states. |
State of Nevada | Coordinate and facilitate sharing of traffic, event, weather, incident and other information on corridors crossing the boundaries between states. |
State of New Mexico | Coordinate and facilitate sharing of traffic, event, weather, incident and other information on corridors crossing the boundaries between states. |
State of Utah | Coordinate and facilitate sharing of traffic, event, weather, incident and other information on corridors crossing the boundaries between states. |
Travelers | Utilize information provided by public agencies through DMS, smart phones, 511, etc... to re–route, telecommute or otherwise avoid traffic incidents and other emergency conditions. |
Receive traffic and event information from a regional and/or statewide information service providers. |
Tribal Governments – Statewide | Coordinate and facilitate sharing of traffic, event, weather, incident and other information on corridors crossing the boundaries between cities, counties and state agencies. |
Monitor traffic on arterials. |
Perform other "non–transportation related" public safety duties. |
Coordinate road closures with other agencies and notify appropriate information service providers of road closure schedules. |
US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) | Provides updated wait times for reaching the primary inspection booth, the first point of contact with CBP when crossing into the Mexico / U.S. land borders for Arizona's six points of entry into the United States. |