Stakeholder | Role and Responsibility |
ADOT | Monitor weather conditions and provide road weather conditions to other agencies. |
Maintain voice formatted (telephone) systems that respond to requests for traveler information for any traveler that may use a telephone system to access information |
Gather information from stakeholders and Maintain Statewide ITS Architecture every 3–5 years or as needed. |
Update information to information service provider and media outlets and issue weather alerts to other agencies. |
Collect, process, store and disseminate weather information to travelers. |
Provide information on traffic conditions, environment conditions, weather and event information from the requested voice activated phone system. |
Arizona Cities and Towns | Disseminate bus location and arrival information, as appropriate, to Information Srrvice Providers and the general public. |
Collect, process, store and disseminate transit routes and schedules and fares. |
Arizona Counties | Receive and disseminate information on traffic conditions, environment conditions, weather, and special event information. |
Provide 911 call information (PSAP) to law enforcement and other first responders |
Provide portable speed feedback equipment at the roadside to warn motorists if they are exceeding the speed limit |
Arizona Department of Public Safety (DPS) | Gather and distribute information for Amber Alerts, Blue Alerts, and Silver Alerts. |
Report State Highway road closures to all agencies. |
Update Information to ISP and Media Outlets (web sites, TV, etc.) and issue alerts. |
Provide traffic and incident information to the public. |
Update Information to information service providers and media outlets (web sites, TV, etc.) and request alerts on field equipment. |
Arizona Division of Emergency and Military Affairs (DEMA) | Update Information to ISP and Media Outlets (web sites, TV, etc.) and issue alerts. |
Arizona Tribal Strategic Partnering Team (ATSPT) | Maintain resource information for tribal representatives, funding, conferences, transportation, ADOT and federal policies, notifications, etc. |
AZTech | Share weather, maintenance, construction and traffic condition information with stakeholders for traveler information dissemination. |
Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) | Maintain the BIA website by gathering information from traffic and emergency management agencies such as ADOT, NHP, Arizona Tribal Governments, Sheriff, Police and Fire regarding traffic, incidents, road closures, and weather related concerns. |
Emergency Medical (EM) Transport Companies | Receive traveler information from TMCs regarding traffic conditions for getting to an emergency site |
Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) | Participate in project development and funding information, data collection and distribution to the traveling public |
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Agency (FMSCA) | Provide carrier, vehicle, and driver safety and credential information to fixed and mobile roadside inspection stations. |
Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG) | Perform traffic counts on roads to provide Highway Performance Monitoring System (HPMS) Data Collection for all functionally classified (FC) roads and provide current traffic counts. |
Coordinate and facilitate sharing of traffic, event, weather, incident and other information on corridors crossing the boundaries between cities and/or counties. |
Input year round HPMS data real–time into ADOT's database. |
Provide requested information to service providers for dissemination to stakeholders. |
Maricopa County Department of Transportation (MCDOT) | Provide requested information to service providers for dissemination to stakeholders. |
Coordinate and facilitate sharing of traffic, event, weather, incident and other information on corridors crossing the boundaries between cities and/or counties. |
Media | Update Information to ISP and Media Outlets (web sites, TV, etc.) and issue alerts. |
Mexico Governmental Agencies | Collect, process, store and disseminate traffic and highway condition information to travelers, including detours and road closures, maintenance and construction information. |
Assimilate current and forecast traffic and road conditions and distribute to other systems for dissemination to travelers. |
National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) | Disseminate information to the public regarding weather conditions. |
Pima Association of Governments (PAG) | Enter data into the HPMS system January 2 through March 1st. |
Perform traffic counts on roads to provide Highway Performance Monitoring System (HPMS) Data Collection for all functionally classified (FC) roads and provide current traffic counts. |
Input year round HPMS data real–time into ADOT's database. |
Private Information Service Providers | Provide broadcast traveler information. |
Collect, process, store and disseminate traffic and highway condition information to travelers, including incident information, detours and road closures, event information, recommended routes and current speeds on specific routes. |
Provide support from the media for traffic and incident data. |
Provide customized information on travel times, transit routes, weather conditions and road closures. |
Collect, process, store and disseminate transit routes and schedules and fares |
Coordinate and facilitate sharing of traffic, event, weather, incident and other information on corridors crossing the boundaries between States and/or Districts |
Public and Private Transit Providers | Distribute transit information from a regional system for traveler upon request. |
Collect, process, store and disseminate transit routes and schedules and fares. |
Rail Organizations | Participate in regional discussions of rail and traffic movement |
State of California | Coordinate and facilitate sharing of traffic, event, weather, incident and other information on corridors crossing the boundaries between States and/or Districts |
State of Nevada | Coordinate and facilitate sharing of traffic, event, weather, incident and other information on corridors crossing the boundaries between States and/or Districts |
State of New Mexico | Coordinate and facilitate sharing of traffic, event, weather, incident and other information on corridors crossing the boundaries between States and/or Districts |
State of Utah | Coordinate and facilitate sharing of traffic, event, weather, incident and other information on corridors crossing the boundaries between States and/or Districts |
Travelers | Receive transit information from regional and/or statewide systems for traveler upon request |
Receive traffic and event information from a regional and/or statewide information service providers. |
Utilize information provided by public agencies through DMS, smart phones, 511, etc. to re–route, telecommute or otherwise avoid traffic incidents and other emergency conditions. |
Tribal Governments – Statewide | Coordinate and facilitate sharing of traffic, event, weather, incident and other information on corridors crossing the boundaries between States and/or Districts |
Collect, process, store and disseminate traffic and highway condition information to travelers, including incident information, detours and road closures, event information, recommended routes and current speed on specific routes. |
US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) | Provides updated wait times for reaching the primary inspection booth, the first point of contact with CBP when crossing into the Mexico / U.S. land borders for Arizona's six points of entry into the United States. |