Stakeholder | Role and Responsibility |
ADOT | Collect and exchange traffic sensor and control data with other coordinating agencies. |
Remotely monitor video images and surveillance data collected in secure areas on facilities and in traffic. |
Update information to information service provider and media outlets and issue weather alerts to other agencies. |
Coordinate road closure data and information with other agencies and notify appropriate information service providers of road closure schedules. |
Remotely control dynamic message signs for dissemination of traffic and other information to drivers. |
Provide traffic and incident information to drivers regarding evacuation and re–entry routes through DMS and other ITS communications sources. |
Develop and store emergency response plans. |
Dispatch emergency vehicles for various public safety agencies in the county that do not have local dedicated dispatch capabilities. |
Provide requested information to service providers for dissemination to local stakeholders throughout the state. |
Report road closures and road restrictions to all agencies. |
Selects and formats data residing in an ITS archive to facilitate local, state, and federal government data reporting requirements |
Track and determine maintenance vehicle locations. |
Collect and share information collected by the service patrol with traffic, maintenance and construction, and traveler information systems for incident management, incident notification to travelers and incident cleanup. |
Share control of field equipment with ADOT Districts, other transportation and emergency agencies. |
Collect, process, store and disseminate weather information to travelers. |
Collect, process, store and disseminate traffic and highway condition information to travelers, including incident information, detours and road closures, event information, recommended routes and current speed on specific routes |
Collect, process, store and disseminate maintenance and construction information to travelers, including scheduled maintenance and construction work zone activities |
Collect and archive traffic and environmental information directly from the roadside for use in off–line planning, research, and analysis. |
Interface with other emergency and traffic agencies to support coordinated emergency response involving multiple agencies. |
Arizona Department of Public Safety (DPS) | Report State Highway road closures to all agencies. |
Receive public safety calls from cellular (wireless) telephones and forward to appropriate dispatch center. |
Track and manage emergency vehicle fleets using automated vehicle location technology and two–way communications with the vehicle fleet. |
Maintain centralized emergency management systems software and systems. |
Through the DPS Commercial Vehicle Division, assure the safety of the motoring public by enforcing Federal Carrier Safety Regulations. Primary functions include inspections, vehicle weight enforcement, and traffic enforcement. |
Gather and distribute information for Amber Alerts, Blue Alerts, and Silver Alerts. |
Respond to mayday transit emergency requests. |
Create, store, and utilize emergency response plans to facilitate coordinated response. |
Dispatch state patrol vehicles. |
Interface with other emergency and traffic agencies to support coordinated emergency response involving multiple agencies. |
Request Emergency Services actions taken or needed. |
Arizona Division of Emergency and Military Affairs (DEMA) | Communicates with emergency responders during an emergency with their own paging system, "Communicator NXT" paging. ADEM also uses NXT system as a broadcasting telephone system. |
Coordinate all county EOC activity. |
Maintain and use WebEOC for incident management tracking and communications. |
ADEM interacts with other states during an emergency. |
Perform other "non–transportation related" public safety duties. |
Receive calls from emergency management agencies, police, fire, or other public safety agencies notifying of a possible incident where services are needed. |
Maintain centralized emergency management systems software and systems. |
Interface with other emergency and traffic agencies to support coordinated emergency response involving multiple agencies. |
Receive public safety calls from land line telephones and forward to appropriate dispatch center. |
ADEM coordinates with the National Weather Service, the Department of Public Safety (DPS), and the Arizona Broadcaster's Association to ensure that the Emergency Alerting System is functioning and reaching all intended recipients. |
Provide state and local authorities with the ability to provide emergency information to the general public via broadcast stations, cable and wireless cable systems. |
Provide information to the media concerning the status of an emergency response. |
Develop, implement, and store emergency response plans and track progress through the incident by exchanging incident information and distributing response status to other emergency agencies. |
Maintain emergency service responses in an action log. |
ADEM prepares and coordinates emergency services and the efforts of governmental agencies to reduce the impact of disaster on persons and property. |
Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) | Track and manage emergency vehicle fleets using automated vehicle location technology and two–way communications with the vehicle fleet. |
Use real–time traffic information received from other agencies to aid the emergency dispatcher in selecting the emergency vehicle(s) and routes that will provide the timeliest response. |
Emergency Medical (EM) Transport Companies | Receive and respond to emergency transport calls from DPS, public agencies, TMC, and Emergency Operations Centers to provide victims with emergency transport. |
Receive traveler information from TMCs regarding traffic conditions for getting to an emergency site |
Independent School Districts | Receive requests and dispatch school buses in response to emergency transport requests from public safety and emergency response agencies. |
Develop and store emergency response plans. |
Provide buses for the public during evacuation and re–entry. |
Media | Disseminate information to the public through various communication media regarding traffic speeds, event planning, incidents, road closures and weather related information. |
Gather information from traffic and emergency management agencies such as ADOT, DPS, Sheriff, Police and Fire regarding traffic, incidents, road closures, and weather related concerns for the public. |
Mexico Governmental Agencies | Collect, analyze, store and process information regarding emergency notification findings. |
Develop and store emergency response plans. |
Coordinate and facilitate sharing of emergency traffic, event, weather, incident and other information on corridors crossing the boundaries between the US and Mexico. |
National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) | Disseminate information to public agencies (ADOT, DPS, Counties, etc.) about weather conditions, roadway snows and closures. |
Disseminate information to the public regarding weather conditions. |
Private Information Service Providers | Coordinate and facilitate sharing of traffic, event, weather, incident and other information on corridors crossing the boundaries between States. |
Provide support from the media for traffic and incident data. |
Provide customized information on travel times, transit routes, weather conditions and road closures. |
Provide broadcast traveler information. |
Public and Private Transit Providers | Maintain and service transit and paratransit vehicles. |
Participate in regional and state transit and transportation planning issues. |
Issue requests for traffic signal priority (where applicable). |
Maintain vehicle location system. |
Maintain passenger counts. |
Send bus status and location information to transit center for next bus arrival. |
Collect, process, store and disseminate data residing in transit archives to facilitate local, state, and federal government data reporting requirements |
Collect and send passenger counts to transit center. |
Schedule and dispatch fixed route and paratransit vehicles. |
Maintain Transit Center software and systems |
Distribute transit information from a regional system for traveler upon request. |
Develop and store emergency response plans. |
Receive requests and dispatch transit buses in response to emergency transport requests from public safety and emergency response agencies. |
Provide buses for the public during evacuation and re–entry. |
Receive bus location and occupancy information from vehicle location system. |
State of California | Develop and store emergency response plans. |
Provide requested information to service providers for dissemination |
Manage inter–agency responses to large–scale interstate emergencies (evacuation, etc.) such as traffic management, transit, maintenance and construction, and other transportation emergencies. |
Collect, analyze, store and process information regarding emergency notification findings. |
Coordinate and facilitate sharing of traffic, event, weather, incident and other information on corridors crossing the boundaries between states. |
State of Nevada | Disseminate information to Arizona Statewide stakeholders as requested, for use in emergency management. |
Manage inter–agency responses to large–scale interstate emergencies (evacuation, etc.) such as traffic management, transit, maintenance and construction, and other transportation emergencies. |
Collect, analyze, store and process information regarding emergency notification findings. |
Coordinate and facilitate sharing of traffic, event, weather, incident and other information on corridors crossing the boundaries between states. |
Provide requested information to service providers for dissemination |
Develop and store emergency response plans. |
State of New Mexico | Coordinate and facilitate sharing of traffic, event, weather, incident and other information on corridors crossing the boundaries between States and/or Districts |
Develop and store emergency response plans. |
Manage inter–agency responses to large–scale interstate emergencies (evacuation, etc.) such as traffic management, transit, maintenance and construction, and other transportation emergencies. |
Provide requested information to service providers for dissemination |
Collect, analyze, store and process information regarding emergency notification findings. |
State of Utah | Manage inter–agency responses to large–scale interstate emergencies (evacuation, etc.) such as traffic management, transit, maintenance and construction, and other transportation emergencies. |
Collect, analyze, store and process information regarding emergency notification findings. |
Coordinate and facilitate sharing of traffic, event, weather, incident and other information on corridors crossing the boundaries between States and/or Districts |
Develop and store emergency response plans. |
Travelers | Utilize information provided by public agencies through DMS, smart phones, 511, etc. to re–route, telecommute or otherwise avoid traffic incidents and other emergency conditions. |
Tribal Governments – Statewide | Develop, implement, and store emergency response plans and track progress through the incident by exchanging incident information and distributing response status to other emergency agencies. |
Develop and store emergency response plans. |
Maintain emergency service responses in an action log. |
Report road closures on roads under the jurisdiction of tribal entities to all agencies. |
Request Emergency Services actions taken or needed. |
Collect, analyze, store and process information regarding emergency notification findings. |
Interface with other emergency and traffic agencies to support coordinated emergency response involving multiple agencies. |
Dispatch emergency vehicles for various public safety agencies in the tribal areas that do not have local dedicated dispatch capabilities. |
US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) | Provides updated wait times for reaching the primary inspection booth, the first point of contact with CBP when crossing into the Mexico / U.S. land borders for Douglas/Agua Prieta, Likeville/Sonoyta, Naco, Nogales, San Luis, and Sasabe. |
Develop and store emergency response plans |
Manage inter–agency responses to large–scale emergencies (evacuation, etc.) such as traffic management, transit, maintenance and construction, and other transportation emergencies. |
Maintain emergency service responses in an action log. |