Arizona MPOs and COGs
Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPO) and Council of Governments (COG) provide leadership and guidance for regional transportation planning through building consensus and cooperative efforts. Each MPO and COG has boundaries that include cities and counties. This stakeholder represents all ITS elements owned and operated by MPOs and COGs with existing and planned ITS activities throughout the State of Arizona, that are not included in other ITS Architectures (MAG or PAG Regional ITS Architectures). All MPOs and COGs are represented by this stakeholder, including but not limited to:
• Central Arizona Government (CAG)
• Northern Arizona Council of Governments (NACOG)
• SouthEastern Arizona Governments Organization (SEAGO)
• Western Arizona Council of Governments (WACOG)
• Central Yavapai Metropolitan Planning Organization (CYMPO)
• Flagstaff Metropolitan Planning Organization (FMPO)
• Lake Havasu Metropolitan Planning Organization (LHMPO)
• Sun Corridor Metropolitan Planning Organization (SCMPO)
• Sierra Vista Metropolitan Planning Organization (SVMPO)
• Yuma Metropolitan Planning Organization (YMPO)
Several MPOs in the state also operate transit facilities.
Included In Groups
Public and Private Transit Providers |