
A system has an architecture.

Stakeholders have interests in the system.

Stakeholders have concerns.

Architecture viewpoints frame concerns, and architecture views address those concerns.

These are the framing concepts behind an architecture. The Connected Vehicle Reference Implementation Architecture (CVRIA) development includes stakeholder engagement and development of an integrated standards strategy and action plan. The content of the CVRIA is based on the existing connected vehicle documents, including Concept of Operations, System Requirements, Standards, etc.

The resulting CVRIA forms the basis for a common language definition and early deployment concepts. The CVRIA and its associated SET-IT tool support initial deployments and integration activities by taking different developments and research projects and illustrating how they all fit together. The CVRIA will form the basis for material to be integrated into the US National ITS Architecture and provide the interface information needed for standardization planning.

The CVRIA is a singular architecture composed of four viewpoints: Physical, Functional, Communications and Enterprise. These viewpoints frame the concerns held by stakeholders of the CVRIA. The viewpoints are modeled in the Physical, Functional, Communications and Enterprise Views in the form of various diagrams, tables and associated databases