Type: Mobility

  • Planning and Performance Monitoring
Diagrams are based on the most recently available application concepts that the CVRIA team has access to, and do not necessarily reflect prototypes or other in-development activities.

Performance Monitoring and Planning

The Performance Monitoring and Planning application uses information collected from connected vehicles to support performance monitoring and other uses of historical data including transportation planning, condition monitoring, safety analyses, and research. The information may be probe data information obtained from vehicles in the network to determine network performance measures such as speed and travel times, or it may be information collected from the vehicles and processed by the infrastructure, e.g. environmental data and infrastructure conditions monitoring data. This application supports archiving of all types of data either directly from the connected vehicles or processed by the infrastructure.


This is one way this application may be realized, but not the only way. There are other ways to build a given application and accomplish a stated objective.
The enterprise diagram can be viewed in SVG or PNG format and the current format is SVG.
SVG Diagrams: Installation Operations Maintenance Certification
PNG Diagrams: Installation Operations Maintenance Certification

Display Legend in SVG or PNG

Business Interaction Matrix:

Performance Monitoring and Planning Operations Stage
Roadway OwnerRSE OwnerRSE OperatorInformation Service ProviderArchived Data ManagerRSE Situation Monitoring ProviderCenter OwnerArchive Data UserGovernment Reporting Manager
Roadway OwnerService Delivery Agreement
RSE OwnerService Delivery AgreementOperations AgreementExpectation of Data ProvisionExpectation of Data ProvisionApplication Usage Agreement
RSE OperatorOperations Agreement
Information Service ProviderExpectation of Data ProvisionExpectation of Data Provision
Archived Data ManagerExpectation of Data ProvisionExpectation of Data ProvisionInformation Exchange and Action AgreementInformation Exchange and Action AgreementInformation Exchange and Action Agreement
RSE Situation Monitoring ProviderApplication Usage Agreement
Center OwnerInformation Exchange and Action Agreement
Archive Data UserInformation Exchange and Action Agreement
Government Reporting ManagerInformation Exchange and Action Agreement

Includes Enterprise Objects:

Enterprise Object Description
Application Certification Entity The body that determines whether an application may be deployed and operated in the Connected Vehicle Environment. This entity's composition, the requirements it applies and the procedures it uses to verify those requirements may vary with application type. For example, applications with human safety component (crash avoidance, movement assistance etc.) may have stringent requirements and extensive testing in a variety of conditions, while applications that provide strictly mobility functionality may have far less testing requirements; possibly as little as just making sure the application doesn't interfere with any other applications.
Archive Data Repository Installer Application Component Installers are specified more by role than by function. Installers are responsible for the installation of the application component, which may require a support system, and may entail agreements and relationships between end users and application providers.
Archive Data Repository Maintainer Application Component Maintainers are specified more by role than by function. Maintainers are responsible for the maintenance (configuration changes, patches and updates, hardware repairs) of the application component, which may require a support system, and may entail agreements and relationships between end users and application providers.
Archive Data Repository Provider Application Component Providers are specified more by role than by function. Providers are responsible for the development of the application component, including initial creation, enhancement and bug fixes. Delivery of the application to the end user may require relationships with other entities (installers, maintainers) if the provider chooses not to fulfill those roles.
Archive Data User Any user of an archive data system in the ITS environment (planners, researchers, operators, analysts etc.)
Archive Government Reporting Installer Application Component Installers are specified more by role than by function. Installers are responsible for the installation of the application component, which may require a support system, and may entail agreements and relationships between end users and application providers.
Archive Government Reporting Maintainer Application Component Maintainers are specified more by role than by function. Maintainers are responsible for the maintenance (configuration changes, patches and updates, hardware repairs) of the application component, which may require a support system, and may entail agreements and relationships between end users and application providers.
Archive Government Reporting Provider Application Component Providers are specified more by role than by function. Providers are responsible for the development of the application component, including initial creation, enhancement and bug fixes. Delivery of the application to the end user may require relationships with other entities (installers, maintainers) if the provider chooses not to fulfill those roles.
Archive On-Line Analysis and Mining Installer Application Component Installers are specified more by role than by function. Installers are responsible for the installation of the application component, which may require a support system, and may entail agreements and relationships between end users and application providers.
Archive On-Line Analysis and Mining Maintainer Application Component Maintainers are specified more by role than by function. Maintainers are responsible for the maintenance (configuration changes, patches and updates, hardware repairs) of the application component, which may require a support system, and may entail agreements and relationships between end users and application providers.
Archive On-Line Analysis and Mining Provider Application Component Providers are specified more by role than by function. Providers are responsible for the development of the application component, including initial creation, enhancement and bug fixes. Delivery of the application to the end user may require relationships with other entities (installers, maintainers) if the provider chooses not to fulfill those roles.
Archive Situation Data Archival Installer Application Component Installers are specified more by role than by function. Installers are responsible for the installation of the application component, which may require a support system, and may entail agreements and relationships between end users and application providers.
Archive Situation Data Archival Maintainer Application Component Maintainers are specified more by role than by function. Maintainers are responsible for the maintenance (configuration changes, patches and updates, hardware repairs) of the application component, which may require a support system, and may entail agreements and relationships between end users and application providers.
Archive Situation Data Archival Provider Application Component Providers are specified more by role than by function. Providers are responsible for the development of the application component, including initial creation, enhancement and bug fixes. Delivery of the application to the end user may require relationships with other entities (installers, maintainers) if the provider chooses not to fulfill those roles.
Archived Data Manager The entity that owns and operates archived data management facilities.
Center Data Collection Installer Application Component Installers are specified more by role than by function. Installers are responsible for the installation of the application component, which may require a support system, and may entail agreements and relationships between end users and application providers.
Center Data Collection Maintainer Application Component Maintainers are specified more by role than by function. Maintainers are responsible for the maintenance (configuration changes, patches and updates, hardware repairs) of the application component, which may require a support system, and may entail agreements and relationships between end users and application providers.
Center Data Collection Provider Application Component Providers are specified more by role than by function. Providers are responsible for the development of the application component, including initial creation, enhancement and bug fixes. Delivery of the application to the end user may require relationships with other entities (installers, maintainers) if the provider chooses not to fulfill those roles.
Center Owner General representation of the owner of the general "Center" physical object.
Device Certification Entity The body that determines whether a device may be deployed and operated in the Connected Vehicle Environment. This entity's composition, the requirements it applies and the procedures it uses to verify those requirements may vary with device type.
Federal Regulatory Federal regulatory bodies that have legal authority to control and/or provide input to policies regulating transportation infrastructure and operations. This includes entities such as the Federal Communications Commission and US Department of Transportation.
Government Reporting Manager The entity charged with reporting ITS data as per federal reporting requirements.
Information Service Provider The "Information Service Provider" represents the owner of the Transportation Information Center. The Information Service Provider is responsible for collecting and disseminating information relevant to the traveling public.
Roadway Owner The owner of the roadway proximate to which roadside equipment will be/is installed.
RSE Deployer The entity responsible for the deployment, operations and maintenance of roadside equipment.
RSE Operator The entity that operates roadside equipment in the transportation environment.
RSE Owner The owner of roadside equipment.
RSE Provider The "RSE Provider" is the entity that develops and (presumably) sells roadside equipment to other entities for deployment and research.
RSE Situation Monitoring Installer Application Component Installers are specified more by role than by function. Installers are responsible for the installation of the application component, which may require a support system, and may entail agreements and relationships between end users and application providers.
RSE Situation Monitoring Maintainer Application Component Maintainers are specified more by role than by function. Maintainers are responsible for the maintenance (configuration changes, patches and updates, hardware repairs) of the application component, which may require a support system, and may entail agreements and relationships between end users and application providers.
RSE Situation Monitoring Provider Application Component Providers are specified more by role than by function. Providers are responsible for the development of the application component, including initial creation, enhancement and bug fixes. Delivery of the application to the end user may require relationships with other entities (installers, maintainers) if the provider chooses not to fulfill those roles.
State Regulatory State regulatory bodies that have legal authority to control and/or provide input to policies regulating vehicles, transportation infrastructure and operations. This includes entities like Departments of Motor Vehicles, property tax authorities and tolling agencies.
TIC Situation Data Management Installer Application Component Installers are specified more by role than by function. Installers are responsible for the installation of the application component, which may require a support system, and may entail agreements and relationships between end users and application providers.
TIC Situation Data Management Maintainer Application Component Maintainers are specified more by role than by function. Maintainers are responsible for the maintenance (configuration changes, patches and updates, hardware repairs) of the application component, which may require a support system, and may entail agreements and relationships between end users and application providers.
TIC Situation Data Management Provider Application Component Providers are specified more by role than by function. Providers are responsible for the development of the application component, including initial creation, enhancement and bug fixes. Delivery of the application to the end user may require relationships with other entities (installers, maintainers) if the provider chooses not to fulfill those roles.

Includes Resources:

Resource Description
Application Component Certification Requirements The requirements that define the functionality, performance and operational environment of an application component. Certification Requirements must be met in order for an application to be installed in the CVE.
Archive Data Repository "Archive Data Repository" collects data and data catalogs from one or more data sources and stores the data in a focused repository that is suited to a particular set of ITS data users. It includes capabilities for performing quality checks on the incoming data, error notification, and archive to archive coordination. It supports a broad range of implementations, ranging from simple data marts that collect a focused set of data and serve a particular user community to large-scale data warehouses that collect, integrate, and summarize transportation data from multiple sources and serve a broad array of users within a region.
Archive Government Reporting "Archive Government Reporting" selects and formats data residing in an ITS archive to facilitate local, state, and federal government data reporting requirements.
Archive On-Line Analysis and Mining "Archive On-Line Analysis and Mining" provides advanced data analysis, summarization, and mining features that facilitate discovery of information, patterns, and correlations in large data sets. Multidimensional analysis, selective summarization and expansion of data details, and many other advanced analysis services may be offered.
Archive Situation Data Archival "Archive Situation Data Archival" collects and archives traffic, roadway, and environmental information for use in off-line planning, research, and analysis. It controls and collects information directly from equipment at the roadside, reflecting the deployment of traffic detectors that are used primarily for traffic monitoring and planning purposes rather than for traffic management.
Archived Data Center The 'Archived Data Center' collects, archives, manages, and distributes data generated from ITS sources for use in transportation administration, policy evaluation, safety, planning, performance monitoring, program assessment, operations, and research applications. The data received is formatted and tagged with attributes that define the data source, conditions under which it was collected, data transformations, and other information (i.e. meta data) necessary to interpret the data. The archive can fuse ITS generated data with data from non-ITS sources and other archives to generate information products utilizing data from multiple functional areas, modes, and jurisdictions. The archive prepares data products that can serve as inputs to federal, state, and local data reporting systems. The 'Archived Data Center' may reside within an operational center and provide focused access to a particular agency's data archives. Alternatively, it may operate as a distinct center that collects data from multiple agencies and sources and provides a general data warehouse service.
Archived Data User Systems 'Archived Data User Systems' represents the systems users employ to access archived data. The general interface provided allows a broad range of users (e.g. planners, researchers, analysts, operators) and their systems (e.g. databases, models, analytical tools, user interface devices) to acquire data and analyses results from the archive.
Backoffice Service Development System The systems used to develop backoffice (center) hardware and software components of applications.
Backoffice Service Installation System The systems used to install and configure backoffice (center) hardware and software components.
Backoffice Service Maintenance System The systems used to maintain and upgrade backoffice (center) hardware and software components.
Center This general physical object is used to model core capabilities that are common to any center.
Center Data Collection "Center Data Collection" collects and stores information that is created in the course of center operations. This data can be used directly by operations personnel or it can be made available to other data users and archives in the region.
Device Certification Requirements The requirements that define the functionality, performance and operational environment of a connected vehicle device. Certification Requirements must be met in order for the device to be granted the credentials necessary to operate in the Connected Vehicle Environment.
Field Component Development System The system used in a backoffice environment to develop and test the field component of the application.
Field Component Installation System The system used to install a field component of a connected vehicle application.
Field Component Maintenance System The system used to install and configure changes and updates to the field component of the application. This system is capable of acquiring and reporting diagnostic information about the application's configuration and performance.
Government Reporting Systems 'Government Reporting Systems' represents the system and associated personnel that prepare the inputs to support the various local, state, and federal government transportation data reporting requirements (e.g. Highway Performance Monitoring System, Fatality Analysis Reporting System) using data collected by ITS systems. It represents a system interface that provides access to the archived data relevant to these reports. In most cases, this system will combine data collected from ITS archives with data from non-ITS sources to assemble the required information.
Roadside Equipment 'Roadside Equipment' (RSE) represents the Connected Vehicle roadside devices that are used to send messages to, and receive messages from, nearby vehicles using Dedicated Short Range Communications (DSRC) or other alternative wireless communications technologies. Communications with adjacent field equipment and back office centers that monitor and control the RSE are also supported. This device operates from a fixed position and may be permanently deployed or a portable device that is located temporarily in the vicinity of a traffic incident, road construction, or a special event. It includes a processor, data storage, and communications capabilities that support secure communications with passing vehicles, other field equipment, and centers.
RSE Development System The system used in a backoffice environment to develop and test the roadside equipment.
RSE Installation System The system used to install and configure the roadside equipment.
RSE Maintenance System The system used to configure changes and updates to the roadside equipment. This system is capable of acquiring and reporting diagnostic information about the RSE's configuration and performance.
RSE Situation Monitoring "RSE Situation Monitoring" is a general application object that supports collection of traffic, environmental, and emissions data from passing vehicles. The data is collected, filtered, and forwarded based on parameters provided by the back office. Parameters are provided to passing vehicles that are equipped to collect and send situation data to the infrastructure in snapshots. In addition, this object collects current status information from local field devices including intersection status, sensor data, and signage data, providing complete, configurable monitoring of the situation for the local transportation system in the vicinity of the RSE.
TIC Situation Data Management "TIC Situation Data Management" manages connected vehicle situation data collection, quality controls, filtering, aggregation, and storage. Through this process, raw data reported by connected vehicles are transformed into information products that can be accessed and used to support transportation operations and traveler information. The distribution of the connected vehicle-derived information products is handled by other application objects.
Transportation Information Center The 'Transportation Information Center' collects, processes, stores, and disseminates transportation information to system operators and the traveling public. The physical object can play several different roles in an integrated ITS. In one role, the TIC provides a data collection, fusing, and repackaging function, collecting information from transportation system operators and redistributing this information to other system operators in the region and other TICs. In this information redistribution role, the TIC provides a bridge between the various transportation systems that produce the information and the other TICs and their subscribers that use the information. The second role of a TIC is focused on delivery of traveler information to subscribers and the public at large. Information provided includes basic advisories, traffic and road conditions, transit schedule information, yellow pages information, ride matching information, and parking information. The TIC is commonly implemented as a website or a web-based application service, but it represents any traveler information distribution service.

Includes Roles:

Role Description
Certifies An Enterprise verifies that a target Resource meets relevant performance, functional, environmental and quality requirements.
Constrains A Resource or Enterprise applies requirements, constraints and associated tests to another Resource.
Installs An Enterprise performs the initial delivery, integration and configuration of the target Resource.
Maintains An Enterprise administers the hardware and software that comprise the target Resource.
Member An Enterprise is part of another larger, target Enterprise.
Operates An Enterprise controls the functionality and state of the target Resource. An Enterprise that Operates a resource is considered Responsible.
Owns An Enterprise has financial ownership and control over the Resource. An Enterprise that Owns a resource is considered Accountable.

Includes Coordination:

Coordination Type Description
Application Installation Data Information Sharing Data needed to install the application, including the application executable code and any configuration data. Unidirectional flow.
Application Interface Specification Agreement The definition of an interface between two application components that operate on two distinct pieces of hardware. The Application Interface Specification is specific to the application in question.
Application Maintenance Data Information Sharing Data used to facilitate the upgrade, patching and general health maintenance of an application component.
Application Performance Data Information Sharing Data used to characterize application performance, including such measures as availability, known errors and known uses.
Application Procurement Agreement Agreement An agreement whereupon one entity provides a copy of an application component to another entity. This component is capable of being installed and functioning, according to its requirements that passed through the application's certification process.
Application Usage Agreement Agreement An agreement in which one entity that controls an application component's use gives the other entity the necessary tools and permission to operate that application or application component.
Backoffice Component Installation Agreement Agreement An agreement that grants one party permission to install a backoffice application component on a center-based device controlled by the other party.
Backoffice Component Maintenance Agreement Agreement An agreement in which one entity maintains the operational status of the backoffice component of an application under the control of another entity. This maintenance may include routine and as-needed maintenance, such as software update and configuration, hardware replacement and related system administration activities.
Device Placement and Operations Agreement Agreement An agreement that enables the controller of a physical device to install it (so as to make it operational) at a fixed location controlled by another entity.
Expectation of Data Provision Expectation An expectation where one party believes another party will provide data on a regular and recurring basis, and that that data will be useful to the receiver in the context of the receiver's application. This thus includes some expectation of data fields, timeliness, quality, precision and similar qualities of data.
Field Component Installation Agreement Agreement An agreement that grants one party permission to install a field application component on a roadside device controlled by the other party.
Field Component Maintenance Agreement Agreement An agreement in which one entity maintains the operational status of the field component of an application under the control of another entity. This maintenance may include routine and as-needed maintenance, such as software update and configuration, hardware replacement and related system administration activities.
Includes Includes Indicates that one component is entirely contained within another component.
Information Exchange and Action Agreement Agreement An agreement to exchange information, which may include data or control information; the exact information to be exchanged may vary from agreement to agreement. This also includes a specification for action that shall, should or may be taken by one party in response to this information.
Interface Description Agreement Documentation of the interface between two systems, where one system does not have an application component that is part of the application, but does provide and/or receive data and/or information that is used by or sourced from the application. In many cases this is an existing interface used by the application, so the description of the interface already exists and is imposed by the terminator.
Maintenance Data Exchange Agreement Agreement An agreement that states one entity will provide data related to maintenance of an application component to the other entity.
Operations Agreement Agreement An agreement where one entity agrees to operate a device or application on behalf of another, device/application controlling entity.
RSE Deployment Agreement Agreement Agreement to install, configure and make operational roadside equipment, between the provider of that equipment and the entity that controls access to the roadside. May define locations, expectation of power provision, backhaul responsibility and installation restrictions.
RSE Installation Data Information Sharing Data necessary to configure and make RSE operational. Uni-directional.
RSE Maintenance Data Information Sharing Data necessary to modify the operational configuration of RSE; assumes RSE is already configured. Uni-directional.
RSE Performance Data Information Sharing Data that includes metrics of RSE performance. Could include fields such as uptime, packets received/transmitted, distance vector from which packets received, as well as application-specific performance measures.
RSE Procurement Agreement Agreement An agreement whereupon one entity provides roadside equipment to another entity. The RSE is capable of being installed and functioning, according to its requirements that passed through the device's certification process.
Service Delivery Agreement Agreement A relationship where one party agrees to provide a service to the other party. This agreement may specify the expected performance of this service in terms of availability and/or actions/time-type performance specifications.
Warranty Agreement A guarantee or promise made by one entity to another, that provides assurance of the functionality and performance over time of an application component.


Includes Processes:

Level Name Type Allocated to Application Object
1.1 Provide Traffic Surveillance Collection
1.1.6 Collect Vehicle Traffic Surveillance Data Pspec - RSE Situation Monitoring
1.1.7 Collect Vehicle Environmental Data Pspec - RSE Situation Monitoring
6.2 Collect Traveler Information Services Data Collection
6.2.5 Collect Situation and Sensor Data From Vehicles Pspec - TIC Situation Data Management
6 Provide Driver and Traveler Services Collection
6.9 Manage Traveler Info Archive Data Pspec - TIC Situation Data Management
8 Manage Archived Data Collection
8.1 Get Archive Data Pspec - Archive Situation Data Archival
- Archive Data Repository
8.5 Process Archived Data User System Requests Pspec - Archive Data Repository
8.6 Analyze Archive Pspec - Archive On-Line Analysis and Mining
8.7 Process On Demand Archive Requests Pspec - Archive Data Repository
8.8 Prepare Government Reporting Inputs Pspec - Archive Government Reporting
10.1.3 Manage Center Archive Data Pspec - Center Data Collection

Includes Data Flows:

Source Pspec Data Flow Destination Pspec
Collect Situation and Sensor Data From Vehicles traffic_probe_aggregated_data_for_archive Manage Traveler Info Archive Data
Collect Vehicle Environmental Data vehicle_env_sensor_data_for_traveler Collect Situation and Sensor Data From Vehicles
Collect Vehicle Environmental Data vehicle_env_sensor_status_for_traveler Collect Situation and Sensor Data From Vehicles
Collect Vehicle Environmental Data env_data_from_vehicles_archive_data Get Archive Data
Collect Vehicle Traffic Surveillance Data vehicle_traffic_data_for_traveler Collect Situation and Sensor Data From Vehicles
Collect Vehicle Traffic Surveillance Data vehicle_traffic_status_for_traveler Collect Situation and Sensor Data From Vehicles
Collect Vehicle Traffic Surveillance Data traffic_data_from_vehicles_archive_data Get Archive Data
Get Archive Data center_archive_catalog_request Manage Center Archive Data
Get Archive Data center_archive_data_request Manage Center Archive Data
Get Archive Data center_archive_status Manage Center Archive Data
Get Archive Data traveler_archive_status Manage Traveler Info Archive Data
Get Archive Data traveler_archive_request Manage Traveler Info Archive Data
Manage Center Archive Data center_archive_data Get Archive Data
Manage Traveler Info Archive Data traveler_archive_data Get Archive Data
Manage Traveler Info Archive Data transportation_situation_information_for_archive Get Archive Data


This is one way this application may be realized, but not the only way. There are other ways to build a given application and accomplish a stated objective.
The physical diagram can be viewed in SVG or PNG format and the current format is SVG.
SVG Diagram
PNG Diagram

Display Legend in SVG or PNG

Includes Physical Objects:

Physical Object Class Description
Archived Data Center Center The 'Archived Data Center' collects, archives, manages, and distributes data generated from ITS sources for use in transportation administration, policy evaluation, safety, planning, performance monitoring, program assessment, operations, and research applications. The data received is formatted and tagged with attributes that define the data source, conditions under which it was collected, data transformations, and other information (i.e. meta data) necessary to interpret the data. The archive can fuse ITS generated data with data from non-ITS sources and other archives to generate information products utilizing data from multiple functional areas, modes, and jurisdictions. The archive prepares data products that can serve as inputs to federal, state, and local data reporting systems. The 'Archived Data Center' may reside within an operational center and provide focused access to a particular agency's data archives. Alternatively, it may operate as a distinct center that collects data from multiple agencies and sources and provides a general data warehouse service.
Archived Data User Systems Center 'Archived Data User Systems' represents the systems users employ to access archived data. The general interface provided allows a broad range of users (e.g. planners, researchers, analysts, operators) and their systems (e.g. databases, models, analytical tools, user interface devices) to acquire data and analyses results from the archive.
Center Center This general physical object is used to model core capabilities that are common to any center.
Government Reporting Systems Center 'Government Reporting Systems' represents the system and associated personnel that prepare the inputs to support the various local, state, and federal government transportation data reporting requirements (e.g. Highway Performance Monitoring System, Fatality Analysis Reporting System) using data collected by ITS systems. It represents a system interface that provides access to the archived data relevant to these reports. In most cases, this system will combine data collected from ITS archives with data from non-ITS sources to assemble the required information.
Roadside Equipment Field 'Roadside Equipment' (RSE) represents the Connected Vehicle roadside devices that are used to send messages to, and receive messages from, nearby vehicles using Dedicated Short Range Communications (DSRC) or other alternative wireless communications technologies. Communications with adjacent field equipment and back office centers that monitor and control the RSE are also supported. This device operates from a fixed position and may be permanently deployed or a portable device that is located temporarily in the vicinity of a traffic incident, road construction, or a special event. It includes a processor, data storage, and communications capabilities that support secure communications with passing vehicles, other field equipment, and centers.
Transportation Information Center Center The 'Transportation Information Center' collects, processes, stores, and disseminates transportation information to system operators and the traveling public. The physical object can play several different roles in an integrated ITS. In one role, the TIC provides a data collection, fusing, and repackaging function, collecting information from transportation system operators and redistributing this information to other system operators in the region and other TICs. In this information redistribution role, the TIC provides a bridge between the various transportation systems that produce the information and the other TICs and their subscribers that use the information. The second role of a TIC is focused on delivery of traveler information to subscribers and the public at large. Information provided includes basic advisories, traffic and road conditions, transit schedule information, yellow pages information, ride matching information, and parking information. The TIC is commonly implemented as a website or a web-based application service, but it represents any traveler information distribution service.

Includes Application Objects:

Application Object Description Physical Object
Archive Data Repository "Archive Data Repository" collects data and data catalogs from one or more data sources and stores the data in a focused repository that is suited to a particular set of ITS data users. It includes capabilities for performing quality checks on the incoming data, error notification, and archive to archive coordination. It supports a broad range of implementations, ranging from simple data marts that collect a focused set of data and serve a particular user community to large-scale data warehouses that collect, integrate, and summarize transportation data from multiple sources and serve a broad array of users within a region. Archived Data Center
Archive Government Reporting "Archive Government Reporting" selects and formats data residing in an ITS archive to facilitate local, state, and federal government data reporting requirements. Archived Data Center
Archive On-Line Analysis and Mining "Archive On-Line Analysis and Mining" provides advanced data analysis, summarization, and mining features that facilitate discovery of information, patterns, and correlations in large data sets. Multidimensional analysis, selective summarization and expansion of data details, and many other advanced analysis services may be offered. Archived Data Center
Archive Situation Data Archival "Archive Situation Data Archival" collects and archives traffic, roadway, and environmental information for use in off-line planning, research, and analysis. It controls and collects information directly from equipment at the roadside, reflecting the deployment of traffic detectors that are used primarily for traffic monitoring and planning purposes rather than for traffic management. Archived Data Center
Center Data Collection "Center Data Collection" collects and stores information that is created in the course of center operations. This data can be used directly by operations personnel or it can be made available to other data users and archives in the region. Center
RSE Situation Monitoring "RSE Situation Monitoring" is a general application object that supports collection of traffic, environmental, and emissions data from passing vehicles. The data is collected, filtered, and forwarded based on parameters provided by the back office. Parameters are provided to passing vehicles that are equipped to collect and send situation data to the infrastructure in snapshots. In addition, this object collects current status information from local field devices including intersection status, sensor data, and signage data, providing complete, configurable monitoring of the situation for the local transportation system in the vicinity of the RSE. Roadside Equipment
TIC Situation Data Management "TIC Situation Data Management" manages connected vehicle situation data collection, quality controls, filtering, aggregation, and storage. Through this process, raw data reported by connected vehicles are transformed into information products that can be accessed and used to support transportation operations and traveler information. The distribution of the connected vehicle-derived information products is handled by other application objects. Transportation Information Center

Includes Information Flows:

Information Flow Description
archive analysis requests A user request that initiates data mining, analytical processing, aggregation or summarization, report formulation, or other advanced processing and analysis of archived data. The request also includes information that is used to identify and authenticate the user and support electronic payment requirements, if any.
archive analysis results Processed information products, supporting meta data, and any associated transaction information resulting from data mining, analytical processing, aggregation or summarization, report formulation, or other on-line processing and analysis of archived data.
archive request confirmation Confirmation that an archive request has been received and processed with information on the disposition of the request.
archive requests A request to a data source for information on available data (i.e. "catalog") or a request that defines the data to be archived. The request can be a general subscription intended to initiate a continuous or regular data stream or a specific request intended to initiate a one-time response from the recipient.
archive status Notification that data provided to an archive contains erroneous, missing, or suspicious data or verification that the data provided appears valid. If an error has been detected, the offending data and the nature of the potential problem are identified.
archived data product requests A user-specified request for archived data products (i.e. data, meta data, or data catalogs). The request also includes information that is used to identify and authenticate the user and support electronic payment requirements, if any.
archived data products Raw or processed data, meta data, data catalogs and other data products provided to a user system upon request. The response may also include any associated transaction information.
center archive data Information describing center operations and measures that reflect the impact of these operations on the transportation system. Content may include a catalog of available information, the actual information to be archived, and associated meta data that describes the archived information.
government reporting data receipt The acknowledgement of satisfactory receipt of information used as input to government data systems or a report identifying problems or issues with the data submittal.
government reporting system data Information provided by an ITS archive, formatted as appropriate, that can be used as input to government data reporting systems.
local situation data This general flow represents the traffic, environmental, and emissions situation data that is collected from connected vehicles by an RSE, aggregated, filtered, and provided to a back-office center. It also includes data collected from ITS roadway equipment that provides current intersection and road network status for the area proximate to the RSE.
regional situation data This general flow represents the traffic, environmental, and emissions situation data that is collected from connected vehicles and aggregated, filtered, and distributed to other centers as a regional information product for use in operations, performance monitoring, and analysis.

Application Interconnect Diagram

This is one way this application may be realized, but not the only way. There are other ways to build a given application and accomplish a stated objective.
The application interconnect diagram can be viewed in SVG or PNG format and the current format is SVG.
SVG Diagram
PNG Diagram


Need Requirement
N2.191 Performance Monitoring and Planning needs to collect vehicle data to support traffic data collection, transportation network performance monitoring, transportation planning, safety analyses and research. 2.403 Performance Monitoring and Planning shall collect vehicle traffic probe data.
2.406 Performance Monitoring and Planning shall be capable of archiving vehicle traffic probe data.
N2.192 Performance Monitoring and Planning needs to be capable processing vehicle data in order to support performance monitoring, infrastructure conditions reporting, and environmental monitoring. 2.404 Performance Monitoring and Planning shall be capable of processing vehicle probe data into transportation network performance measures.
2.405 Performance Monitoring and Planning shall be capable of processing vehicle probe data to support infrastructure conditions monitoring performed by maintenance and construction management centers.
2.407 Performance Monitoring and Planning shall be capable of processing vehicle probe data to determine roadway environmental conditions for non operational uses such as maintenance planning and research.

Related Sources

  • SAE J3067- Candidate Improvements to Dedicated Short Range Communications (DSRC) Message Set Dictionary (SAE J2735)Using Systems Engineering Methods, 8/15/2014


In order to participate in this application, each physical object should meet or exceed the following security levels.

Physical Object Security
Physical Object Confidentiality Integrity Availability Security Class
Security levels have not been defined yet.

In order to participate in this application, each information flow triple should meet or exceed the following security levels.

Information Flow Security
Source Destination Information Flow Confidentiality Integrity Availability
Basis Basis Basis
Security levels have not been defined yet.