
This data flow is sent from the multimodal transportation service provider to the Provide Driver and Traveler Services, Manage Transit, and Manage Archived Data functions, and contains details of the services available to move travelers by means other than road vehicles (e.g. heavy rail, air, sea, river, bike routes, etc.) and their respective transfer points. It consists of the following data items each of which is defined in its own DDE:

+ fmtsp-ferry_services
+ fmtsp-rail_services
+ fmtsp-transit_service_data
+ fmtsp-transit_transfer_clusters
+ fmtsp-multimodal_archive_data
+ fmtsp-non_motorized_services
+ fmtsp-multimodal_service_confirmation
+ fmtsp-individual_service_response
+ fmtsp-traveler_individual_service_response

Sub Data Flows

Parent Data Flows

Associated PSpecs