
This data flow is sent to a railroad operated operations center (or centers) from an ITS Manage Traffic or Manage Maintenance and Construction function. It contains information about scheduled and/or planned highway events or planned highway activity that may be relevant to rail traffic management (e.g. HRI maintenance schedules, HAZMAT incidents near railroads, potential threats, etc.). This is typically informational data and is not required for timely operation of grade crossing protection and safety devices. It does however have a mechanism for notification of incidents or situations that are not normally detected and reported at HRIs and through wayside rail equipment. This flow also contains feedback from the Manage Maintenance and Construction function regarding railroad schedules. This data flow consists of the following data items each of which is defined in its own DDE:

+ tro-incident_notification
+ tro-equipment_status
+ tro-m_and_c_work_plans_for_rail
+ tro-railroad_schedule_feedback
+ tro-road_weather_info
+ tro-incident_response_status
+ tro-threat_info
+ tro-incident_information
+ tro-disaster_response_plan_coordination
+ tro-evacuation_plan_coordination
+ tro-evacuation_information_for_rail
+ tro-transportation_system_status_for_disaster
+ tro-transportation_system_status_for_evacuation

Sub Data Flows

Parent Data Flows

Associated PSpecs