Provide Parking Lot Operator Interface
This process shall provide the interface to a local parking lot operator that controls the use of the lot. The operator shall provide inputs of occupancy and/or the current lot state to this process. This process shall provide the operator with outputs that request a change to the lot state, which the operator shall implement by activating local dynamic message signs (DMS) and controlling the use of entry/exit barriers, and data about transit services that provide a park and ride operation to be output through local DMS. This process shall receive inputs from the parking lot sensors and information devices to provide the operator with a picture of the status of the system.
This process is associated with the Parking Management System physical object.
This process is associated with the following application objects:
This process is associated with the following data flows:
- fpo-current_lot_state - In
- fpo-lot_occupancy - In
- fpo-parking_lot_hours_of_operation - In
- parking_information_device_control - Out
- parking_information_device_status - In
- parking_lot_dynamic_data_operator_input - Out
- parking_lot_dynamic_data_operator_update - In
- parking_lot_static_data_operator_input - Out
- parking_lot_static_data_operator_update - In
- parking_sensor_status - In
- parking_to_roadside_operator_controls - Out
- roadside_parking_traffic_data - In
- roadside_parking_vehicle_data - In
- tpo-change_lot_state - Out
- tpo-parking_lot_status - Out