3.3.2: Build Automatic Collision Notification Message
This process shall be responsible for preparing and submitting data for transmission to the Manage Emergency Services function. The data shall be sent by this process when an emergency situation is detected by analyzing inputs from the vehicle or vehicle cargo. This process shall produce its outputs regardless of any action by the driver and shall be designed to be as the result of a crash which may have prevented the driver from initiating the emergency request personally.
This process is associated with the Vehicle OBE physical object.
This process is associated with the following application objects:
This process is associated with the following data flows:
- cargo_data_request - Out
- fvdb-crash_sensor_data - In
- processed_cargo_data - In
- transit_vehicle_passenger_loading_for_crash_notification - In
- vehicle_emergency_request - Out
- vehicle_identity_for_collision_notification_store - In
- vehicle_location_for_incidents - In
- vehicle_status_details_for_emergencies - In