Get Driver Personal Request

This process shall format requests from travelers for information and trip plans and output the requests to other processes. The request for advisory data including traveler information, emergency information, or travel services information shall allow the traveler to request only information relevant to the location of the vehicle. The request may be repeated, periodically, or when the vehicle changes location by a distance determined by the implementation. The traveler may also subscribe to traveler information alerts (e.g., traffic congestion, transit service disruption, incidents, weather road conditions) based on the traveler's location, search radius, and so forth. The process shall also support the transfer of trip planning requests and reservation requests from the travelers in vehicles for other services such as travel services, non-motorized transportation information, and event information. Once trip plans and reservations have been made and displayed to the driver this process shall forward confirmations to the appropriate processes including any payment information.

This process is associated with the Vehicle OBE physical object.

This process is associated with the following application objects:

This process is associated with the following data flows: