Florida Department of Transportation
Florida Statewide and Regional ITS Architectures

Florida ITS Architecture Banner

LeeTran Fixed Route Transit Vehicles

Status: Existing

Description: Represents the ITS equipment installed on the fixed–route transit vehicles that are owned and operated by the Lee County Transit Division. Capabilities may include passenger counting, transit scheduling, fare management, and arrival predictive equipment and cameras. This includes full sized buses and trolleys. All LeeTran fixed route buses and trolleys are equipped with Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) equipment.

Stakeholder: LeeTran

Systems Interconnected
with the LeeTran Fixed Route Transit Vehicles

Architecture Flow Diagrams
which include LeeTran Fixed Route Transit Vehicles:

Architecture Flows
to/from the LeeTran Fixed Route Transit Vehicles:

LeeTran Fixed Route Transit Vehicles flows into icon Electronic Payment Card LeeTran Fixed Route Transit Vehicles flows into icon FDOT SCMS LeeTran Fixed Route Transit Vehicles flows into icon Lee County and Cities Field Equipment LeeTran Fixed Route Transit Vehicles flows into icon Lee County CAV Field Equipment LeeTran Fixed Route Transit Vehicles flows into icon Lee County Sheriffs Office LeeTran Fixed Route Transit Vehicles flows into icon LeeTran Transit Operations Center LeeTran Fixed Route Transit Vehicles flows into icon Regional SmartCard Electronic Payment Cardflows into iconLeeTran Fixed Route Transit Vehicles FDOT SCMSflows into iconLeeTran Fixed Route Transit Vehicles Lee County CAV Field Equipmentflows into iconLeeTran Fixed Route Transit Vehicles Lee County Sheriffs Officeflows into iconLeeTran Fixed Route Transit Vehicles LeeTran Transit Operations Centerflows into iconLeeTran Fixed Route Transit Vehicles Regional SmartCardflows into iconLeeTran Fixed Route Transit Vehicles

National ITS Architecture Subsystems
mapped to the LeeTran Fixed Route Transit Vehicles:

National ITS Architecture Services
associated with LeeTran Fixed Route Transit Vehicles:

Last Updated 2/3/2025