Florida Department of Transportation
Florida Statewide and Regional ITS Architectures

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Role and Responsibility Areas

Stakeholder Roles and Responsibilities provide information about how stakeholders participate in the ITS system. The Roles and Responsibilities are grouped into Role and Responsibility Areas under which Stakeholders are associated along with their roles and responsibilities. The Stakeholders, ITS Services, and Roles and Responsibilities in total support a regional operational concept.


ITS Architecture stakeholders represent metropolitan and transportation planning organizations (MPOs/TPOs), local traffic agencies, public safety and emergency service providers, parking managers, airport management agencies, transit operators, commercial vehicle operators, FDOT Central Office, and the applicable FDOT District freeway and arterial management offices. These stakeholders are responsible for providing, are involved with, or are impacted by ITS applications that are detailed in the ITS architecture as Services and Projects. Stakeholder representatives involved in the update of the ITS architecture provided input into regional needs, plans, and priorities from an operational perspective for the next 10 years.

Providing ITS Services

ITS services in Florida are provided by a variety of city, county, municipal, regional and state agencies and organizations. Stakeholders determine needs; formulate operational goals and objectives; and identify, prioritize, and select strategies to achieve desired outcomes. This planning for operations results in the implementation of programs, projects, and collaborative efforts to better manage and operate transportation systems and services, including the Service Packages and Projects found in this ITS architecture.

Improving safety, security, mobility, and inter-regional and inter-modal connectivity; promoting economic development; encouraging the use of innovative solutions and emerging technologies; and providing better service to customers are among the over-arching goals of many of Florida's ITS stakeholders. Services and Projects designed to achieve these goals are provided by individual stakeholders, and in many instances involve stakeholders working in cooperation with regional transportation partners, stakeholders in neighboring regions, and stakeholders with responsibilities for providing statewide services.

Roles and Responsibilities

Below are the roles and responsibilities of stakeholders involved in delivering the existing and planned Services and Projects included in this ITS architecture. Included are stakeholders' roles and responsibilities for planning, implementing, managing and operating transportation systems and the ITS applications selected to address operational needs. Stakeholders and their roles and responsibilities relative to specific service areas are listed. These roles and responsibilities are presented in high-level terms sufficient to understand current relationships and future integration opportunities. More information on stakeholder roles and responsibilities, and the operational concepts of how ITS Services and ITS Projects are provided, may be found in ITS, TSM&O, or broader transportation planning documents referenced on the Resources tab, or may be documented in future phases of project development.

Last Updated 2/3/2025