Florida Department of Transportation
Florida Statewide and Regional ITS Architectures

Florida ITS Architecture Banner

Lee County CAV Study

Project Description: Lee County Connected and Automated Vehicle (CAV) Study to develop framework for future of CAV in the County.

Project Status: Planned

Project Stakeholders:
Project Inventory:

Project Service Packages: Project Information Flows:

Information Flow Source Element Destination Element Status
equipment control commands CAV Authorizing Center Lee County CAV Field Equipment Planned
intersection geometry CAV-ITS Map Update System Lee County CAV Field Equipment Planned
intersection geometry CAV-ITS Map Update System Lee County-Wide Advanced Traffic Management System Planned
map update notification Lee County-Wide Advanced Traffic Management System CAV-ITS Map Update System Planned
map updates CAV-ITS Map Update System Lee County CAV Field Equipment Planned
map updates CAV-ITS Map Update System Lee County-Wide Advanced Traffic Management System Planned
misbehavior report Commercial Vehicle FDOT SCMS Planned
misbehavior report Lee County CAV Field Equipment FDOT SCMS Planned
misbehavior report Lee County-Wide Advanced Traffic Management System FDOT SCMS Planned
misbehavior report Vehicles FDOT SCMS Planned
parking facility geometry CAV-ITS Map Update System Lee County CAV Field Equipment Planned
passive vehicle monitoring control Lee County-Wide Advanced Traffic Management System Lee County CAV Field Equipment Planned
passive vehicle monitoring coordination Lee County and Cities Field Equipment Lee County CAV Field Equipment Planned
passive vehicle monitoring coordination Lee County CAV Field Equipment Lee County and Cities Field Equipment Planned
passive vehicle monitoring data Lee County CAV Field Equipment Lee County-Wide Advanced Traffic Management System Planned
roadway geometry CAV-ITS Map Update System Lee County CAV Field Equipment Planned
RSE application information CAV Authorizing Center Lee County CAV Field Equipment Planned
RSE application information Lee County and Cities Field Equipment Lee County CAV Field Equipment Planned
RSE application install/upgrade CAV Authorizing Center Lee County CAV Field Equipment Planned
RSE application status Lee County CAV Field Equipment CAV Authorizing Center Planned
security credential revocations FDOT SCMS Commercial Vehicle Planned
security credential revocations FDOT SCMS Lee County CAV Field Equipment Planned
security credential revocations FDOT SCMS Lee County-Wide Advanced Traffic Management System Planned
security credential revocations FDOT SCMS Vehicles Planned
security credentials FDOT SCMS Commercial Vehicle Planned
security credentials FDOT SCMS Lee County CAV Field Equipment Planned
security credentials FDOT SCMS Lee County-Wide Advanced Traffic Management System Planned
security credentials FDOT SCMS Vehicles Planned
security policy and networking information FDOT SCMS Commercial Vehicle Planned
security policy and networking information FDOT SCMS Lee County CAV Field Equipment Planned
security policy and networking information FDOT SCMS Lee County-Wide Advanced Traffic Management System Planned
security policy and networking information FDOT SCMS Vehicles Planned
traffic detector coordination Lee County and Cities Field Equipment Lee County CAV Field Equipment Planned
traffic detector coordination Lee County CAV Field Equipment Lee County and Cities Field Equipment Planned
vehicle location data for mapping Lee County CAV Field Equipment CAV-ITS Map Update System Planned
video surveillance coordination Lee County and Cities Field Equipment Lee County CAV Field Equipment Planned
video surveillance coordination Lee County CAV Field Equipment Lee County and Cities Field Equipment Planned

Project Functional Requirements (Element - Functional Object):


Project Operational Concepts: