Sarasota/Manatee MPO Data Dashboard/Data Management Application System
Project Description: This project will implement a data dasboard system that will receive information collected from detectors and sensors, connected vehicles, and operational data feeds from centers to support performance monitoring and other uses of historical data including transportation planning, condition monitoring etc. for the Sarasota and Manatee counties.
Project Status: Planned
Project Stakeholders:
Interconnect and Flow

Project Service Packages:
Project Information Flows:
Project Functional Requirements (Element - Functional Object):
Manatee-Sarasota Regional Traffic Management Center - TMC Data Collection
3: The traffic management center shall receive and respond to requests from ITS Archives for either a catalog of the traffic data or for the data itself.
4: The traffic management center shall produce sample products of the data available.
Sarasota County TMC - Archive On-Line Analysis and Mining
1: The center shall respond to requests for archive data from center users.
4: The center shall respond to users systems requests for a catalog of the archived data analysis products available.
Sarasota/Manateee MPO Data Dashboard/Data Management Application - Archive Data Repository
1: The center shall collect data from centers.
7: The center shall provide the capability to execute methods on the incoming data such as cleansing, summarizations, aggregations, or transformations applied to the data before it is stored in the archive.
Sarasota/Manateee MPO Data Dashboard/Data Management Application - Archive Government Reporting
1: The center shall provide archive data to federal, state, and local government reporting systems.
Project Operational Concepts:
Roles and Responsibilities
- Manatee County Public Works Department
- Collect vehicle probe data from connected vehicles.
- Monitor traffic images and traffic flow data through CCTVs and field sensors, and maintain operational control of its own field equipment.
- Sarasota County Public Works Department
- Monitor traffic images and traffic flow data through CCTVs and field sensors, and maintain operational control of its own field equipment.
- Sarasota/Manatee MPO
- Collect current and forecasted traffic data and provide the data to government data reporting system.
- Manatee County Area Traffic Agencies
- Collect traffic information and vehicle probe data from connected vehicle roadside equipment.
- Obtain traffic images and traffic flow data through closed-circuit televisions (CCTVs) and field sensors from Manatee and Sarasota counties, and the cities of Bradenton and Venice, and maintain operational control of all field equipment.
Last Updated 2/3/2025