Charlotte County Equipment Replacement
Project Description: This project would replace signals and cameras in Charlotte County over the next 5–10 years. This could also include an upgrade of Charlotte County ATMS video detection software. The current system operates on intersections that are mast armed. As span intersections are replaced with masts they are expecting to expand the use of video detection.
Project Status: Planned
Project Stakeholders:
Interconnect and Flow

Project Service Packages:
Project Information Flows:
Project Functional Requirements (Element - Functional Object):
Charlotte County Field Equipment - Roadway Basic Surveillance
1: The field element shall collect, process, digitize, and send traffic sensor data (speed, volume, and occupancy) to the center for further analysis and storage, under center control.
2: The field element shall collect, process, and send traffic images to the center for further analysis and distribution.
Charlotte County Field Equipment - Roadway Field Management Station Operation
1: The field element shall accept configuration information from the center.
2: The field element shall pass data provided by the center to local field devices and report data from the field devices back to the center.
Charlotte County Field Equipment - Roadway Signal Control
1: The field element shall control traffic signals under center control.
4: The field element shall report the current signal control information to the center.
6: The field element shall return traffic signal controller operational status to the center.
Charlotte County/Punta Gorda Advanced Traffic Management System - TMC Basic Surveillance
1: The center shall monitor, analyze, and store traffic sensor data (speed, volume, occupancy) collected from field elements under remote control of the center.
2: The center shall monitor, analyze, and distribute traffic images from CCTV systems under remote control of the center.
4: The center shall distribute road network conditions data (raw or processed) based on collected and analyzed traffic sensor and surveillance data to other centers.
Charlotte County/Punta Gorda Advanced Traffic Management System - TMC Roadway Equipment Monitoring
1: The center shall collect and store sensor (traffic, pedestrian, multimodal crossing) operational status.
2: The center shall collect and store CCTV surveillance system (traffic, pedestrian) operational status.
3: The center shall collect and store sensor (traffic, pedestrian, multimodal crossing) fault data and send to the maintenance center for repair.
4: The center shall collect and store CCTV surveillance system (traffic, pedestrian) fault data send to the maintenance center for repair.
Charlotte County/Punta Gorda Advanced Traffic Management System - TMC Signal Control
1: The center shall remotely control traffic signal controllers.
3: The center shall collect traffic signal controller operational status and compare against the control information sent by the center.
4: The center shall collect traffic signal controller fault data from the field.
5: The center shall manage (define, store and modify) control plans to coordinate signalized intersections, to be engaged at the direction of center personnel or according to a daily schedule.
6: The center shall implement control plans to coordinate signalized intersections based on data from sensors.
7: The center shall manage boundaries of the control sections used within the signal system.
8: The center shall maintain traffic signal coordination including synchronizing clocks throughout the system.
Project Operational Concepts:
Roles and Responsibilities
- Greater Charlotte Lighting District
- Monitor traffic images and traffic flow data through CCTVs and field sensors, and maintain operational control of its own field equipment.
- Operate traffic signal systems for Charlotte County.
Last Updated 2/3/2025