Florida Department of Transportation
Florida Statewide and Regional ITS Architectures

Florida ITS Architecture Banner

FDOT District 1 Automated Shuttle Service

Project Description: This project would deploy an autonomous transit system in Lee County providing connection between LeeTran transit service points.

Project Status: Planned

Project Stakeholders:
Project Inventory:

Project Service Packages: Project Information Flows:

Information Flow Source Element Destination Element Status
automated lane control data Lee County-Wide Advanced Traffic Management System Lee County CAV Field Equipment Planned
automated lane status Lee County CAV Field Equipment Lee County-Wide Advanced Traffic Management System Planned
device enrollment information Lee County CAV Field Equipment FDOT SCMS Planned
device enrollment information LeeTran AV Shuttle Vehicles FDOT SCMS Planned
enrollment credentials FDOT SCMS Lee County CAV Field Equipment Planned
enrollment credentials FDOT SCMS LeeTran AV Shuttle Vehicles Planned
misbehavior report LeeTran AV Shuttle Vehicles FDOT SCMS Planned
road network conditions City of Fort Myers Traffic Monitoring System LeeTran Transit Operations Center Planned
road network conditions Lee County-Wide Advanced Traffic Management System LeeTran Transit Operations Center Planned
security credential revocations FDOT SCMS LeeTran AV Shuttle Vehicles Planned
security credentials FDOT SCMS LeeTran AV Shuttle Vehicles Planned
security policy and networking information FDOT SCMS Lee County CAV Field Equipment Planned
security policy and networking information FDOT SCMS LeeTran AV Shuttle Vehicles Planned
traffic detector control City of Fort Myers Traffic Monitoring System City of Fort Myers Field Equipment Planned
traffic detector data City of Fort Myers Field Equipment City of Fort Myers Traffic Monitoring System Planned
traffic situation data Lee County CAV Field Equipment Lee County-Wide Advanced Traffic Management System Planned
transit probe data LeeTran Transit Operations Center City of Fort Myers Traffic Monitoring System Planned
transit probe data LeeTran Transit Operations Center Lee County-Wide Advanced Traffic Management System Planned
transit vehicle location data LeeTran AV Shuttle Vehicles LeeTran Transit Operations Center Planned
transit vehicle schedule performance LeeTran AV Shuttle Vehicles LeeTran Transit Operations Center Planned
vehicle location and motion LeeTran AV Shuttle Vehicles Lee County CAV Field Equipment Planned
vehicle profile LeeTran AV Shuttle Vehicles Lee County CAV Field Equipment Planned

Project Functional Requirements (Element - Functional Object):


Project Operational Concepts: