FDOT I-75 Managed Lanes
Project Description: This project would install tolled express lanes on I–75.
Project Status: Planned
Project Stakeholders:
Interconnect and Flow

Project Service Packages:
Project Information Flows:
Project Functional Requirements (Element - Functional Object):
I-75 Express Lane Toll Collection Systems - Roadway Payment Support
1: The field element shall read data from passing vehicles to support road usage payment transactions.
3: The field element shall update the stored value after debiting the road use payment amount and send a record of the transaction to a center.
4: The road use payment field element shall read the credit identity from the passing vehicle and send that identity and the amount to be debited to a center.
I-75 Express Lane Toll Collection Systems - Roadway Toll Collection Support
1: The field element shall read data from passing vehicles to support toll payment transactions.
3: The field element shall update the stored value after debiting the toll amount and send a record of the transaction to a center.
4: The field element shall read the credit identity from the passing vehicle and send that identity and the amount to be debited to a center.
6: In the case of closed toll systems, the field element shall update the vehicle on-board data with the system entry point, and upon toll system exit, use the stored data in the calculation of the toll.
8: The field element shall control cameras, obtain images, and forward images of toll violators to a center.
SunPass Customer Service Center - PAC Payment Administration
1: The center shall manage toll transactions, including maintaining a log of all transactions and toll pricing structure information.
10: The center shall exchange data with other payment administration agencies to coordinate toll transactions and pricing.
2: The center shall dynamically price tolls based on current traffic condition information.
SunPass Tag - Light Vehicle Basic Toll/Parking Payment
3: The vehicle shall provide an interface to the driver to make requests for advance payments of tolls, parking, and transit fares and present the status of electronic payment transactions.
Project Operational Concepts:
Roles and Responsibilities
- Operate and maintain toll facilities.
- Provide toll administration.
- FDOT District 1
- Operate toll collection systems in conjunction with SunPass.
Last Updated 2/3/2025