Collier Area Transit Kiosks
Project Description: Collier Area Transit plans to have kiosks to provide individuals with traveler information. Transit kiosks will provide information to transit customers, support electronic fare payment, enhance security at transit stops.
Project Status: Planned
Project Stakeholders:
Interconnect and Flow

Project Service Packages:
Project Information Flows:
Project Functional Requirements (Element - Functional Object):
Collier Area Paratransit Dispatch - Transit Center Fare Management
4: The center shall support the payment of transit fare transactions using data provided by the traveler cards / payment instruments.
Collier Area Transit Dispatch - Transit Center Fare Management
3: The center shall process the financial requests from the transit vehicles or roadside and manage an interface to a Financial Institution.
Collier Area Transit Kiosks - Field Secure Area Surveillance
6: The field element shall include video and/or audio surveillance of traveler secure areas including transit stations, transit stops, rest areas, park and ride lots, and other fixed sites along travel routes (e.g., emergency pull-off areas and traveler information centers).
Collier Area Transit Kiosks - Traveler Fare Management
1: The public interface for travelers shall accept and process current transit passenger fare collection information.
3: The public interface for travelers shall provide an interface to a transit user traveler card in support of payment for transit fares, tolls, and/or parking lot charges. The stored credit value data from the card shall be collected and updated based on the fare or other charges, or the credit identity shall be collected.
4: The public interface for travelers shall provide information to the center for financial authorization and transaction processing.
Collier Area Transit Kiosks - Traveler Security
1: The public interface for travelers shall provide the capability for a traveler to report an emergency and summon assistance from secure areas such as transit stops, transit stations, modal transfer facilities, rest stops, park-and-ride areas, travel information areas, and emergency pull off areas.
Regional SmartCard - ITS Security Support
12: The ITS Object shall provide messages (that it receives) that indicate potential misbehavior/malfunction to the CCMS.
2: The ITS Object shall request enrollment credentials from the CCMS.
3: The ITS Object shall obtain the CCMS' trust credentials.
4: The ITS Object shall provide a mechanism for on-board applications to digitally sign messages using keys secured by the CCMS' trust authority.
5: The ITS Object shall provide a mechanism for on-board applications to authenticate messages secured by the CCMS' trust authority.
7: The ITS Object shall provide a mechanism for on-board applications to decrypt messages using keys secured by the CCMS' trust authority.
9: The ITS Object shall make the list of revoked credentials available to on-board applications.
Project Operational Concepts:
Roles and Responsibilities
Last Updated 2/3/2025