Manatee Countywide Wireless Network
Project Description: Project will plan and facilitate integration of a countywide wireless network for network redundancies, rapid deployment of future ITS devices and provide connectivity to remote locations.
Project Status: Planned
Project Stakeholders:
Interconnect and Flow

Project Service Packages:
Project Information Flows:
Project Functional Requirements (Element - Functional Object):
Manatee County Field Equipment - Roadway Signal Control
1: The field element shall control traffic signals under center control.
10: The field element shall receive request for transit vehicle signal priority.
2: The field element shall respond to pedestrian crossing requests by accommodating the pedestrian crossing.
3: The field element shall provide the capability to notify the traffic management center of pedestrian calls and pedestrian accommodations.
4: The field element shall report the current signal control information to the center.
6: The field element shall return traffic signal controller operational status to the center.
Manatee County Field Equipment - Roadway Traffic Information Dissemination
1: The field element shall include dynamic message signs for dissemination of traffic and other information to drivers, under center control; the DMS may be either those that display variable text messages, or those that have fixed format display(s) (e.g. vehicle restrictions, or lane open/close).
Manatee County TMC - TMC Signal Control
1: The center shall remotely control traffic signal controllers.
17: The center shall remotely control devices to detect traffic in the vicinity of traffic signals.
3: The center shall collect traffic signal controller operational status and compare against the control information sent by the center.
6: The center shall implement control plans to coordinate signalized intersections based on data from sensors.
9: The center shall implement control plans to coordinate signalized intersections based on data from sensors and connected vehicles.
Manatee County TMC - TMC Traffic Information Dissemination
1: The center shall remotely control dynamic messages signs for dissemination of traffic and other information to drivers.
Project Operational Concepts:
Roles and Responsibilities
- Manatee County Public Works Department
- Coordinate HRI signal adjustments and receive track status information (e.g., blockage) from rail operators.
- Coordinate traffic information and traffic control with the City of Bradenton; county and local TCSs; and the Sarasota County TCS.
- Coordinate traffic information with FDOT District 1.
- Monitor traffic images and traffic flow data through CCTVs and field sensors, and maintain operational control of its own field equipment.
- Operate traffic signal systems for Manatee County.
- Provide emergency signal preemption for county fire and county EMS agencies for signals at Fire/EMS stations
- Provide signal preemption for railroads.
- Provide traffic and road network information to local transit agencies, such as MCAT.
- Provide traffic information to travelers via the Florida 511 system, private companies, the southwest Florida traveler information system, and DMS equipment.
- Receive Amber Alert and other wide area alert information from the county EOC/warning point.
Last Updated 2/3/2025