Manatee County Transit SmartCard Pilot Project
Project Description: This project would allow a traveler using Mantee County Transit to pay transit fare using TokenTransit mobile application.
Project Status: Ongoing
Project Stakeholders:
Interconnect and Flow

Project Service Packages:
Project Information Flows:
Project Functional Requirements (Element - Functional Object):
Manatee County MCAT Dispatch - Transit Center Fare Management
1: The center shall manage the actual value of transit fares for each segment of each regular transit route, including the transmission of the information to transit vehicles and transit stops or stations.
4: The center shall support the payment of transit fare transactions using data provided by the traveler cards / payment instruments.
Manatee County MCAT Fixed Route Transit Vehicles - Transit Vehicle On-Board Fare Management
1: The transit vehicle shall read data from the traveler card / payment instrument presented by boarding passengers.
4: The transit vehicle shall calculate the traveler's fare based on the origin and destination provided by the traveler as well as factors such as the transit routing, transit fare category, traveler history, and route-specific information.
6: The transit vehicle shall provide a transit fare payment interface that is suitable for travelers with physical disabilities.
7: The transit vehicle shall include a database on-board the transit vehicle for use in fare processing from which the fares for all possible trips within the transit operational network can be determined.
Private Transit Fare Payment Mobile Application - Traveler Fare Management
1: The public interface for travelers shall accept and process current transit passenger fare collection information.
3: The public interface for travelers shall provide an interface to a transit user traveler card in support of payment for transit fares, tolls, and/or parking lot charges. The stored credit value data from the card shall be collected and updated based on the fare or other charges, or the credit identity shall be collected.
Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices - Center System Executive
1: The center shall include software operating systems and executive functions that manage computer resources, user accounts, and installed applications.
2: The center shall have the capability to install or upgrade software or hardware of the center.
Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices - Personnel Device System Executive
1: The personal device shall include software operating system kernel and executive functions that manage the overall device software configuration and operation and support configuration management, resource management, and govern software installation and upgrade.
Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices - TIC Data Collection
6: The center shall collect, process, and store toll fee information.
Project Operational Concepts:
Roles and Responsibilities
- Travelers
- Load transit application on mobile device.
- Manatee County Public Works, Transit Division
- Coordinate emergency plans with county EOCs, and provide emergency transit services for evacuations, fires, and disasters, including re-entry services.
- Coordinate multimodal connections for fixed-route transit vehicles with other regional transit agencies, such as Sarasota and Charlotte counties, and multimodal ISPs.
- Obtain traffic signal priority from Manatee County's TSCS using county roadside field equipment for MCAT fixed-route transit vehicles.
- Provide automated transit maintenance schedules using automated vehicle conditions reporting on all MCAT fixed-route transit and paratransit vehicles.
- Provide fixed-route bus service for Manatee County and the surrounding area.
- Provide paratransit/fixed-route transit services to Manatee County.
- Provide security cameras on transit vehicles and at transfer stations. Vehicles are also equipped with silent alarms.
- Provide transit passenger electronic fare payment on all fixed-route transit vehicles using their personal computing devices through mobile application.
- Provide transit passenger electronic fare payment on all fixed-route transit vehicles, including the ability to obtain a fare payment card at agency-owned transit kiosks or other kiosks.
- Provide transit schedule and fare information to the Manatee County traveler information system and private sector traveler ISPs.
- Provide transit traveler information to the agency Web site and local private sector traveler ISPs as well as making it available on all transit vehicles.
- Track and evaluate schedule performance on all MCAT fixed-route and paratransit vehicles.
- Private Transit Fare Payment Mobile Application Providers
- Provide mobile fare payment services.
Last Updated 2/3/2025