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Florida Statewide and Regional ITS Architectures
District 1
District 1 Architecture
Role and Responsibility Areas
/ Highway Management for Southwest Florida Regional ITS Architecture - FDOT District 1 (Copy 2)
Highway Management for Southwest Florida Regional ITS Architecture - FDOT District 1 (Copy 2)
Service Packages
PT14: Multi-modal Coordination (Transit Schedule Coordination 1 of 2)
PT14: Multi-modal Coordination (Transit Schedule Coordination 2 of 2)
TM01: Infrastructure-Based Traffic Surveillance (FDOT District 1)
TM01: Infrastructure-Based Traffic Surveillance (Manatee-Sarasota Regional Advanced Traffic Management System)
TM01: Infrastructure-Based Traffic Surveillance (Charlotte County Advanced Traffic Management System)
TM01: Infrastructure-Based Traffic Surveillance (Collier County Advanced Traffic Management System)
TM01: Infrastructure-Based Traffic Surveillance (Highlands County Traffic Signal Control System)
TM01: Infrastructure-Based Traffic Surveillance (Lee County Advanced Traffic Management System)
TM01: Infrastructure-Based Traffic Surveillance (Polk County Traffic Signal Control System)
TM01: Infrastructure-Based Traffic Surveillance (City of Lakeland Advanced Traffic Management System)
TM01: Infrastructure-Based Traffic Surveillance (City of Marco Island Traffic Signal Control System)
TM01: Infrastructure-Based Traffic Surveillance (City of Naples Advanced Traffic Management System)
TM01: Infrastructure-Based Traffic Surveillance (City of Winter Haven Traffic Signal Control System)
TM01: Infrastructure-Based Traffic Surveillance (Polk County I-4 Low Visibility Detection and Warning System)
TM01: Infrastructure-Based Traffic Surveillance (Cape Coral Traffic Monitoring Center)
TM01: Infrastructure-Based Traffic Surveillance (I-4 - District 7)
TM01: Infrastructure-Based Traffic Surveillance (City of Fort Myers)
TM02: Vehicle-Based Traffic Surveillance (Lee County)
TM02: Vehicle-Based Traffic Surveillance (FDOT D1)
TM02: Vehicle-Based Traffic Surveillance (Collier County)
TM02: Vehicle-Based Traffic Surveillance (Manatee County)
TM02: Vehicle-Based Traffic Surveillance (Charlotte County)
TM02: Vehicle-Based Traffic Surveillance (Polk County)
TM05: Traffic Metering (FDOT District 1)
ST06: HOV/HOT Lane Management (FDOT District 1)
TM06: Traffic Information Dissemination (FDOT District 1)
TM06: Traffic Information Dissemination (County and Local Traffic Control Systems 1 of 2)
TM06: Traffic Information Dissemination (Charlotte County)
TM06: Traffic Information Dissemination (Collier County)
TM06: Traffic Information Dissemination (Lee County)
TM06: Traffic Information Dissemination (Manatee County)
TM06: Traffic Information Dissemination (County and Local Traffic Control Systems 2 of 2)
TM06: Traffic Information Dissemination (City of Lakeland)
TM06: Traffic Information Dissemination (I-4 - District 7)
TM06: Traffic Information Dissemination (City of Fort Myers)
TM07: Regional Traffic Management (Southwest Florida Traffic Management Agencies)
TM07: Regional Traffic Management (FDOT District 1)
TM07: Regional Traffic Management (Manatee-Sarasota County)
TM07: Regional Traffic Management (Charlotte County)
TM07: Regional Traffic Management (Collier County)
TM07: Regional Traffic Management (Polk County)
TM07: Regional Traffic Management (Sarasota County)
TM07: Regional Traffic Management (FDOT District 1 Operations Monitoring Center)
TM07: Regional Traffic Management (Manatee-Sarasota Regional Advanced Traffic Management System)
TM07: Regional Traffic Management (Lee County)
TM07: Regional Traffic Management (FDOT CCTV Coordination)
TM07: Regional Traffic Management (Highlands County)
PS02: Emergency Response (FDOT District 1 TM to EM)
PS02: Emergency Response (Manatee-Sarasota Regional ATMS TM to EM)
PS02: Emergency Response (Charlotte County Advanced Traffic Management System TM to EM)
PS02: Emergency Response (Collier County TM to EM)
PS02: Emergency Response (Lee County TM to EM)
PS02: Emergency Response (Manatee County TM to EM)
PS02: Emergency Response (Polk County TM to EM)
PS02: Emergency Response (County and Local Traffic Control Systems TM to EM)
PS02: Emergency Response (Cities TM to EM)
PS02: Emergency Response (City of Lakeland)
PS02: Emergency Response (County and City Construction and Maintenance EM to MCM)
PS02: Emergency Response (Local Public Safety EM to EVS 1 of 3)
PS02: Emergency Response (Local Public Safety EM to EVS 2 of 3)
PS02: Emergency Response (Local Public Safety EM to EVS 3 of 3)
TM08: Traffic Incident Management System (FDOT District 1 TM to EM)
TM08: Traffic Incident Management System (Manatee-Sarasota Regional ATMS TM to EM)
TM08: Traffic Incident Management System (Charlotte County Advanced Traffic Management System TM to EM)
TM08: Traffic Incident Management System (Collier County TM to EM)
TM08: Traffic Incident Management System (Lee County TM to EM)
TM08: Traffic Incident Management System (Manatee County TM to EM)
TM08: Traffic Incident Management System (Polk County TM to EM)
TM08: Traffic Incident Management System (County and Local Traffic Control Systems TM to EM)
TM08: Traffic Incident Management System (Cities TM to EM)
TM08: Traffic Incident Management System (City of Lakeland)
TM08: Traffic Incident Management System (FDOT D1 TM to MCM)
TM08: Traffic Incident Management System (Counties TMCs TM to MCM)
TM08: Traffic Incident Management System (Municipal and Local TMCs TM to MCM)
TM08: Traffic Incident Management System (FDOT District 1 Construction and Maintenance EM to MCM)
TM08: Traffic Incident Management System (County and City Construction and Maintenance EM to MCM)
TM08: Traffic Incident Management System (FDOT District 1 1 of 2)
TM08: Traffic Incident Management System (FDOT District 1 2 of 2)
TM09: Integrated Decision Support and Demand Management (Lee County Open Road Tolling HOT Lanes)
TM09: Integrated Decision Support and Demand Management (FDOT District 1 Integrated Corridor Management 1 of 2)
TM09: Integrated Decision Support and Demand Management (FDOT District 1 Integrated Corridor Management 2 of 2)
TM09: Integrated Decision Support and Demand Management (FDOT Express Lanes)
TM07: Regional Traffic Management (FDOT District 1 -Coordination with City and County TMCs)
TM07: Regional Traffic Management (Polk County ATMS)
TM06: Traffic Information Dissemination (Manatee County) (Instance 1)
TM01: Infrastructure-Based Traffic Surveillance (Sarasota County Vehicle Detection)
TM06: Traffic Information Dissemination (Sarasota County)
TM06: Traffic Information Dissemination (Sarasota County Fiber Optic Network Expansion)
TM01: Infrastructure-Based Traffic Surveillance (FDOT District 1 Automated Traffic Signal Performance System (ATSPM) Upgrades)
TM02: Vehicle-Based Traffic Surveillance (FDOT District 1 Automated Traffic Signal Performance Measure (ATSPM) Upgrades)
TM01: Infrastructure-Based Traffic Surveillance (Lee County CAV Study)
TM02: Vehicle-Based Traffic Surveillance(Lee County CAV Study)
TM01: Infrastructure-Based Traffic Surveillance (Lee County LeeWays Pay-by-Plate)
TM01: Infrastructure-Based Traffic Surveillance (Polk County CCTV Expansion)
TM07: Regional Traffic Management (City of Srasota ATMS Integration)
TM01: Infrastructure-Based Traffic Surveillance (I-4 FRAME)
TM02: Vehicle-Based Traffic Surveillance (I-4 FRAME)
TM02: Vehicle-Based Traffic Surveillance(US-41 FRAME)
PT14: Multi-modal Coordination (US-41 FRAME)
TM06: Traffic Information Dissemination (Lee County) (Instance 1)
TM01: Infrastructure-Based Traffic Surveillance (Manatee County Bluetooth and Wireles)
TM06: Traffic Information Dissemination (Manatee County Bluetooth and Wireless)
TM01: Infrastructure-Based Traffic Surveillance (Sarasota County Bluetooth Travel Time)
TM06: Traffic Information Dissemination (Sarasota County Bluetooth Travel Time)
TM06: Traffic Information Dissemination (Sarasota/Manatee MPO Data Dashboard/Data Management)
TM06: Traffic Information Dissemination ( Manatee-Sarasota ATMS Central Software Upgrade)
TM01: Infrastructure-Based Traffic Surveillance (Lee County Advanced Traffic Management System) (Instance 1)
TM01: Infrastructure-Based Traffic Surveillance (FDOT Lee County ATMS Expansion)
TM01: Infrastructure-Based Traffic Surveillance (Lee County I-75 Diversion)
TM06: Traffic Information Dissemination (Lee County I-75 Diversion)
TM01: Infrastructure-Based Traffic Surveillance (Lee Countywide CCTV/BT and ATSPM Deployment)
TM01: Infrastructure-Based Traffic Surveillance (Sarasota County Countywide Evacuation System)
TM06: Traffic Information Dissemination (Sarasota County Countywide Evacuation System)
TM01: Infrastructure-Based Traffic Surveillance(FDOT District 1 I-75 CV/BT Deployment in Sarasota County)
TM01: Infrastructure-Based Traffic Surveillance (Manatee County I-75 CCTV/BT)
TM01: Infrastructure-Based Traffic Surveillance (Sarasota County I-75 Diversion)
TM06: Traffic Information Dissemination(Sarasota County I-75 Diversion)
TM07: Regional Traffic Management (Sarasota County I-75 Diversion)
TM06: Traffic Information Dissemination (Manatee County I-75 Diversion)
TM07: Regional Traffic Management (Manatee County I-75 Diversion)
TM02: Vehicle-Based Traffic Surveillance (FDOT District 1 Sarasota County Connected Vehicle)
TM01: Infrastructure-Based Traffic Surveillance (Lakeland Automated/Connected/Electric/Shared (ACES) Projects)
TM02: Vehicle-Based Traffic Surveillance (Lakeland Automated/Connected/Electric/Shared (ACES) Projects)
TM02: Vehicle-Based Traffic Surveillance (FDOT District 1 Manatee County Connected Vehicle)
TM02: Vehicle-Based Traffic Surveillance (FDOT District 1 I-75 CV/BT Deployment in Sarasota County)
TM01: Infrastructure-Based Traffic Surveillance(FDOT District 1 I-75 CV/BT Deployment in Manatee County)
TM02: Vehicle-Based Traffic Surveillance (FDOT District 1 I-75 CV/BT Deployment in Manatee County)
Roles and Responsibilities
Enable bluetooth device.
Collier County Transportation Management Services Department
Roles and Responsibilities
Collect vehicle probe information from private data collection providers.
Private Data Collection Providers
Roles and Responsibilities
Provide vehicle probe data to traffic management centers.
Last Updated 2/3/2025