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Florida Statewide and Regional ITS Architectures
District 1
District 1 Architecture
Role and Responsibility Areas
/ Highway Management for Southwest Florida Regional ITS Architecture - FDOT District 1 (Copy 10)
Highway Management for Southwest Florida Regional ITS Architecture - FDOT District 1 (Copy 10)
Service Packages
PT14: Multi-modal Coordination (Transit Schedule Coordination 1 of 2)
PT14: Multi-modal Coordination (Transit Schedule Coordination 2 of 2)
TM01: Infrastructure-Based Traffic Surveillance (FDOT District 1)
TM01: Infrastructure-Based Traffic Surveillance (Manatee-Sarasota Regional Advanced Traffic Management System)
TM01: Infrastructure-Based Traffic Surveillance (Charlotte County Advanced Traffic Management System)
TM01: Infrastructure-Based Traffic Surveillance (Collier County Advanced Traffic Management System)
TM01: Infrastructure-Based Traffic Surveillance (Highlands County Traffic Signal Control System)
TM01: Infrastructure-Based Traffic Surveillance (Lee County Advanced Traffic Management System)
TM01: Infrastructure-Based Traffic Surveillance (Polk County Traffic Signal Control System)
TM01: Infrastructure-Based Traffic Surveillance (City of Lakeland Advanced Traffic Management System)
TM01: Infrastructure-Based Traffic Surveillance (City of Marco Island Traffic Signal Control System)
TM01: Infrastructure-Based Traffic Surveillance (City of Naples Advanced Traffic Management System)
TM01: Infrastructure-Based Traffic Surveillance (City of Winter Haven Traffic Signal Control System)
TM01: Infrastructure-Based Traffic Surveillance (Polk County I-4 Low Visibility Detection and Warning System)
TM01: Infrastructure-Based Traffic Surveillance (Cape Coral Traffic Monitoring Center)
TM01: Infrastructure-Based Traffic Surveillance (I-4 - District 7)
TM01: Infrastructure-Based Traffic Surveillance (City of Fort Myers)
TM02: Vehicle-Based Traffic Surveillance (Lee County)
TM02: Vehicle-Based Traffic Surveillance (FDOT D1)
TM02: Vehicle-Based Traffic Surveillance (Collier County)
TM02: Vehicle-Based Traffic Surveillance (Manatee County)
TM02: Vehicle-Based Traffic Surveillance (Charlotte County)
TM02: Vehicle-Based Traffic Surveillance (Polk County)
TM05: Traffic Metering (FDOT District 1)
ST06: HOV/HOT Lane Management (FDOT District 1)
TM06: Traffic Information Dissemination (FDOT District 1)
TM06: Traffic Information Dissemination (County and Local Traffic Control Systems 1 of 2)
TM06: Traffic Information Dissemination (Charlotte County)
TM06: Traffic Information Dissemination (Collier County)
TM06: Traffic Information Dissemination (Lee County)
TM06: Traffic Information Dissemination (Manatee County)
TM06: Traffic Information Dissemination (County and Local Traffic Control Systems 2 of 2)
TM06: Traffic Information Dissemination (City of Lakeland)
TM06: Traffic Information Dissemination (I-4 - District 7)
TM06: Traffic Information Dissemination (City of Fort Myers)
TM07: Regional Traffic Management (Southwest Florida Traffic Management Agencies)
TM07: Regional Traffic Management (FDOT District 1)
TM07: Regional Traffic Management (Manatee-Sarasota County)
TM07: Regional Traffic Management (Charlotte County)
TM07: Regional Traffic Management (Collier County)
TM07: Regional Traffic Management (Polk County)
TM07: Regional Traffic Management (Sarasota County)
TM07: Regional Traffic Management (FDOT District 1 Operations Monitoring Center)
TM07: Regional Traffic Management (Manatee-Sarasota Regional Advanced Traffic Management System)
TM07: Regional Traffic Management (Lee County)
TM07: Regional Traffic Management (FDOT CCTV Coordination)
TM07: Regional Traffic Management (Highlands County)
PS02: Emergency Response (FDOT District 1 TM to EM)
PS02: Emergency Response (Manatee-Sarasota Regional ATMS TM to EM)
PS02: Emergency Response (Charlotte County Advanced Traffic Management System TM to EM)
PS02: Emergency Response (Collier County TM to EM)
PS02: Emergency Response (Lee County TM to EM)
PS02: Emergency Response (Manatee County TM to EM)
PS02: Emergency Response (Polk County TM to EM)
PS02: Emergency Response (County and Local Traffic Control Systems TM to EM)
PS02: Emergency Response (Cities TM to EM)
PS02: Emergency Response (City of Lakeland)
PS02: Emergency Response (County and City Construction and Maintenance EM to MCM)
PS02: Emergency Response (Local Public Safety EM to EVS 1 of 3)
PS02: Emergency Response (Local Public Safety EM to EVS 2 of 3)
PS02: Emergency Response (Local Public Safety EM to EVS 3 of 3)
TM08: Traffic Incident Management System (FDOT District 1 TM to EM)
TM08: Traffic Incident Management System (Manatee-Sarasota Regional ATMS TM to EM)
TM08: Traffic Incident Management System (Charlotte County Advanced Traffic Management System TM to EM)
TM08: Traffic Incident Management System (Collier County TM to EM)
TM08: Traffic Incident Management System (Lee County TM to EM)
TM08: Traffic Incident Management System (Manatee County TM to EM)
TM08: Traffic Incident Management System (Polk County TM to EM)
TM08: Traffic Incident Management System (County and Local Traffic Control Systems TM to EM)
TM08: Traffic Incident Management System (Cities TM to EM)
TM08: Traffic Incident Management System (City of Lakeland)
TM08: Traffic Incident Management System (FDOT D1 TM to MCM)
TM08: Traffic Incident Management System (Counties TMCs TM to MCM)
TM08: Traffic Incident Management System (Municipal and Local TMCs TM to MCM)
TM08: Traffic Incident Management System (FDOT District 1 Construction and Maintenance EM to MCM)
TM08: Traffic Incident Management System (County and City Construction and Maintenance EM to MCM)
TM08: Traffic Incident Management System (FDOT District 1 1 of 2)
TM08: Traffic Incident Management System (FDOT District 1 2 of 2)
TM09: Integrated Decision Support and Demand Management (Lee County Open Road Tolling HOT Lanes)
TM09: Integrated Decision Support and Demand Management (FDOT District 1 Integrated Corridor Management 1 of 2)
TM09: Integrated Decision Support and Demand Management (FDOT District 1 Integrated Corridor Management 2 of 2)
TM09: Integrated Decision Support and Demand Management (FDOT Express Lanes)
TM07: Regional Traffic Management (FDOT District 1 -Coordination with City and County TMCs)
TM07: Regional Traffic Management (Polk County ATMS)
TM06: Traffic Information Dissemination (Manatee County) (Instance 1)
TM01: Infrastructure-Based Traffic Surveillance (Sarasota County Vehicle Detection)
TM06: Traffic Information Dissemination (Sarasota County)
TM06: Traffic Information Dissemination (Sarasota County Fiber Optic Network Expansion)
TM01: Infrastructure-Based Traffic Surveillance (FDOT District 1 Automated Traffic Signal Performance System (ATSPM) Upgrades)
TM02: Vehicle-Based Traffic Surveillance (FDOT District 1 Automated Traffic Signal Performance Measure (ATSPM) Upgrades)
TM01: Infrastructure-Based Traffic Surveillance (Lee County CAV Study)
TM02: Vehicle-Based Traffic Surveillance(Lee County CAV Study)
TM01: Infrastructure-Based Traffic Surveillance (Lee County LeeWays Pay-by-Plate)
TM01: Infrastructure-Based Traffic Surveillance (Polk County CCTV Expansion)
TM07: Regional Traffic Management (City of Srasota ATMS Integration)
TM01: Infrastructure-Based Traffic Surveillance (I-4 FRAME)
TM02: Vehicle-Based Traffic Surveillance (I-4 FRAME)
TM02: Vehicle-Based Traffic Surveillance(US-41 FRAME)
PT14: Multi-modal Coordination (US-41 FRAME)
TM06: Traffic Information Dissemination (Lee County) (Instance 1)
TM01: Infrastructure-Based Traffic Surveillance (Manatee County Bluetooth and Wireles)
TM06: Traffic Information Dissemination (Manatee County Bluetooth and Wireless)
TM01: Infrastructure-Based Traffic Surveillance (Sarasota County Bluetooth Travel Time)
TM06: Traffic Information Dissemination (Sarasota County Bluetooth Travel Time)
TM06: Traffic Information Dissemination (Sarasota/Manatee MPO Data Dashboard/Data Management)
TM06: Traffic Information Dissemination ( Manatee-Sarasota ATMS Central Software Upgrade)
TM01: Infrastructure-Based Traffic Surveillance (Lee County Advanced Traffic Management System) (Instance 1)
TM01: Infrastructure-Based Traffic Surveillance (FDOT Lee County ATMS Expansion)
TM01: Infrastructure-Based Traffic Surveillance (Lee County I-75 Diversion)
TM06: Traffic Information Dissemination (Lee County I-75 Diversion)
TM01: Infrastructure-Based Traffic Surveillance (Lee Countywide CCTV/BT and ATSPM Deployment)
TM01: Infrastructure-Based Traffic Surveillance (Sarasota County Countywide Evacuation System)
TM06: Traffic Information Dissemination (Sarasota County Countywide Evacuation System)
TM01: Infrastructure-Based Traffic Surveillance(FDOT District 1 I-75 CV/BT Deployment in Sarasota County)
TM01: Infrastructure-Based Traffic Surveillance (Manatee County I-75 CCTV/BT)
TM01: Infrastructure-Based Traffic Surveillance (Sarasota County I-75 Diversion)
TM06: Traffic Information Dissemination(Sarasota County I-75 Diversion)
TM07: Regional Traffic Management (Sarasota County I-75 Diversion)
TM06: Traffic Information Dissemination (Manatee County I-75 Diversion)
TM07: Regional Traffic Management (Manatee County I-75 Diversion)
TM02: Vehicle-Based Traffic Surveillance (FDOT District 1 Sarasota County Connected Vehicle)
TM01: Infrastructure-Based Traffic Surveillance (Lakeland Automated/Connected/Electric/Shared (ACES) Projects)
TM02: Vehicle-Based Traffic Surveillance (Lakeland Automated/Connected/Electric/Shared (ACES) Projects)
TM02: Vehicle-Based Traffic Surveillance (FDOT District 1 Manatee County Connected Vehicle)
TM02: Vehicle-Based Traffic Surveillance (FDOT District 1 I-75 CV/BT Deployment in Sarasota County)
TM01: Infrastructure-Based Traffic Surveillance(FDOT District 1 I-75 CV/BT Deployment in Manatee County)
TM02: Vehicle-Based Traffic Surveillance (FDOT District 1 I-75 CV/BT Deployment in Manatee County)
Manatee County Public Works Department
Roles and Responsibilities
Operate traffic signal systems for Manatee County.
Last Updated 2/3/2025