Florida Department of Transportation
Florida Statewide and Regional ITS Architectures

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VS14: Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control (FDOT District 1 I-75 CV/BT Deployment in Sarasota County)

Service Graphic


The Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control service package for FDOT District 1 I-75 CV/BT Deployment in Sarasota County adds vehicle to vehicle (V2V) communications to adaptive cruise control (ACC) systems, which provides enhanced information so that groups or 'strings' of CACC-equipped vehicles can follow a lead vehicle with better accuracy, quicker response, and shorter time gaps, enhancing traffic flow stability. In ACC systems, sensors (e.g., radar or lidar) and longitudinal control automation are used to measure and maintain a safe distance from the lead vehicle. V2V communications enables direct communication between the vehicles so that acceleration and deceleration can be more directly coordinated between vehicles in the string.

Elements Associated with Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control (FDOT District 1 I-75 CV/BT Deployment in Sarasota County)

Last Updated 2/3/2025