Polk County Transportation Division
Description: The division responsible for traffic operations and maintenance in Polk County.
Inventory Elements:
Roles and Responsibilities:
FDOT District 1 Automated Traffic Signal Performance Measure (ATSPM) Upgrades Roles and Responsibilities
- Monitor traffic images and traffic flow data through CCTVs and field sensors, and maintain operational control of its own field equipment.
- Operate traffic signal systems for Polk County.
FDOT District 1 Coordination with City and County TMCs Coordination Roles and Responsibilities
- Coordinate traffic images with FDOT.
FDOT District 1 I-4 FRAME Roles and Responsibilities
- Coordinate traffic information with FDOT District 1.
- Monitor traffic images and traffic flow data through CCTVs and field sensors, and maintain operational control of its own field equipment.
- Operate traffic signal systems for Polk County.
- Provide emergency signal preemption for county fire and county EMS agencies for signals at Fire/EMS stations
FDOT District 1 Office Network Connection to Polk County Traffic Management Center Roles and Responsibilities
- Coordinate traffic information with FDOT District 1.
- Coordinate traffic images with FDOT.
Incident Management (Traffic and Maintenance) for Southwest Florida Regional ITS Architecture - FDOT District 1
- Provide incident information to travelers via traffic information devices on county roads, and through local ISPs, Web sites, and the local media.
- Coordinate maintenance resources for incident response with county and city maintenance and construction systems.
- Perform network surveillance for detection and verification of incidents on county roads, and send traffic/incident information and traffic images to county fire, EMS, and sheriff's offices; regional EOCs; and local fire, EMS, and police agencies
Information Dissemination for Southwest Florida Regional ITS Architecture - FDOT District 1
- Coordinate traffic information with FDOT District 1.
- Provide traffic information to travelers via the Florida 511 system and private companies.
Polk County CCTV Expansion Roles and Responsibilities
- Monitor traffic images and traffic flow data through CCTVs and field sensors, and maintain operational control of its own field equipment.
Polk County Traffic Signal Upgrades Roles and Responsibilities
- Monitor traffic images and traffic flow data through CCTVs and field sensors, and maintain operational control of its own field equipment.
- Operate traffic signal systems for Polk County.
Polk County-wide ATMS Phase I Construction Roles and Responsibilities
- Provide signal preemption for railroads.
- Monitor traffic images and traffic flow data through CCTVs and field sensors, and maintain operational control of its own field equipment.
- Operate traffic signal systems for Polk County.
- Provide emergency signal preemption for county fire and county EMS agencies for signals at Fire/EMS stations
Traffic Signal Control for Southwest Florida Regional ITS Architecture - FDOT District 1
- Provide signal preemption for railroads.
- Coordinate traffic information and traffic control with the cities of Lakeland and Winter Haven; and county and local TCSs.
- Monitor traffic images and traffic flow data through CCTVs and field sensors, and maintain operational control of its own field equipment.
- Operate toll collection systems in conjunction with SunPass.
- Operate traffic signal systems for Polk County.
- Provide emergency signal preemption for county fire and county EMS agencies for signals at Fire/EMS stations
Last Updated 2/3/2025