Florida Department of Transportation
Florida Statewide and Regional ITS Architectures

Florida ITS Architecture Banner

Florida Statewide Tolling Customer Service Center

Status: Existing

Description: This element represents a future, centralized, state–run tolling customer service center for the entire State of Florida. Tolling information would be sent from individual tolling plazas to this customer service center.

Stakeholder: Floridas Turnpike Enterprise

Systems Interconnected
with the Florida Statewide Tolling Customer Service Center

Architecture Flow Diagrams
which include Florida Statewide Tolling Customer Service Center:

Architecture Flows
to/from the Florida Statewide Tolling Customer Service Center:

Florida Statewide Tolling Customer Service Center flows into icon FDHSMV Licensing and Registration System Florida Statewide Tolling Customer Service Center flows into icon FDOT District 2 RTMC Florida Statewide Tolling Customer Service Center flows into icon FDOT Express Lane Open Road Tolling Equipment Florida Statewide Tolling Customer Service Center flows into icon FHP Regional Dispatch Florida Statewide Tolling Customer Service Center flows into icon Financial Institution Systems Florida Statewide Tolling Customer Service Center flows into icon Florida 511 Florida Statewide Tolling Customer Service Center flows into icon FTE SunPass Toll Collection System Florida Statewide Tolling Customer Service Center flows into icon Gainesville Smart Traffic TMC Florida Statewide Tolling Customer Service Center flows into icon jax511.com Florida Statewide Tolling Customer Service Center flows into icon Other FDOT District TMCs Florida Statewide Tolling Customer Service Center flows into icon SunPass Customer Service Center City of Jacksonville Public Works Right-of-Way and Stormwater Maintenance Systemflows into iconFlorida Statewide Tolling Customer Service Center City of Jacksonville Traffic Management Centerflows into iconFlorida Statewide Tolling Customer Service Center County and City Public Information Systemflows into iconFlorida Statewide Tolling Customer Service Center County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systemsflows into iconFlorida Statewide Tolling Customer Service Center FDHSMV Licensing and Registration Systemflows into iconFlorida Statewide Tolling Customer Service Center FDOT District 2 Construction Systemflows into iconFlorida Statewide Tolling Customer Service Center FDOT District 2 Maintenance Systemflows into iconFlorida Statewide Tolling Customer Service Center FDOT District 2 Public Information Office Systemsflows into iconFlorida Statewide Tolling Customer Service Center FDOT District 2 RTMCflows into iconFlorida Statewide Tolling Customer Service Center FDOT Express Lane Open Road Tolling Equipmentflows into iconFlorida Statewide Tolling Customer Service Center Financial Institution Systemsflows into iconFlorida Statewide Tolling Customer Service Center Florida 511flows into iconFlorida Statewide Tolling Customer Service Center FTE SunPass Toll Collection Systemflows into iconFlorida Statewide Tolling Customer Service Center Gainesville Smart Traffic TMCflows into iconFlorida Statewide Tolling Customer Service Center jax511.comflows into iconFlorida Statewide Tolling Customer Service Center JTA Engineering Department Systemflows into iconFlorida Statewide Tolling Customer Service Center Other County and City Maintenanceflows into iconFlorida Statewide Tolling Customer Service Center Other FDOT District Maintenance and Constructionflows into iconFlorida Statewide Tolling Customer Service Center Other FDOT District TMCsflows into iconFlorida Statewide Tolling Customer Service Center Private Maintenance and Construction Dispatchflows into iconFlorida Statewide Tolling Customer Service Center Private/Public Utility Dispatch/Systemsflows into iconFlorida Statewide Tolling Customer Service Center SunPass Customer Service Centerflows into iconFlorida Statewide Tolling Customer Service Center

National ITS Architecture Subsystems
mapped to the Florida Statewide Tolling Customer Service Center:

National ITS Architecture Services
associated with Florida Statewide Tolling Customer Service Center:

Last Updated 2/3/2025